RUMORS – Fantasy 9th Edition & END TIMES

By Rob Baer | November 29th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The Fantasy rumor train ain’t stopping! Checkout the latest rumors on End Times and 9th Edition!

Again still no clue who Steve the Warboss is, But he hasn’t led us astray yet.

Courtesy of BoLS

via Steve the Warboss 11-28-2014

Warhammer Endtimes/9th Edition Latest

-Endtimes will become more than 4 Book
-The last Books will maybe released after the 9th Edition
-Empire will be the first Armybook of the new edition

And take a look at how this is starting to tie in with the earlier WFB 9th items:

via Steve the Warboss 11-25-2014

-The Work on the Rules has already completed
-Endtimes will maybe not mentioned in the Rulebook
-The Design Studio seems working on Siege Rules for an Expansion
-The Starter Set will return to “step by step” introduction
-No allied Matrix like 40k, we become something like “factions”
-GW plans the release for May, Starter will come in June

 via Steve the Warboss 11-24-2014

9th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles:-One Profile for Mounted Units (like End Times units).
-End Times was full designed for the new Edition, the Books will be 100% compatible.
-No new Armybook releases until the New Edition is released.
-Empire in the starter set, the opposing army is undetermined.