Rumors – GW Changing Their Name to ‘Warhammer’?

By Rob Baer | October 10th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Yeah I didn’t believe it either, but check this out.

Looks like two stores in England have actually been rebranded!

This popped up over on the BoLS Lounge late Friday. What does it all mean?

Was GW tired of dealing with people looking for Call of Duty, or is there an end game in play here that we all didn’t see coming?

I have to admit the pic looks pretty real, from the current posters in the window, to the name even sideways perspective on the sidewalk sign. Even the car is current era.

Looks like were getting the first ‘Warhammer Store’ in America in May 2015!

What say ye? -MBG