RUMORS: More Genestealer Cult Codex Rules Spotted!

By Rob Baer | October 28th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

genestealer cult wal hor

Something wicked this way comes. Don’t miss more new Genestealer Cult rules that may have just been spotted for Warhammer 40k.

Don’t miss your first glimpses of the new Genestealer Cult rules that may have just been spotted. It looks like something was lurking in the shadows after all.

First up from Stepping Between Games, this looks to be a warlord trait table for the Genestealer cult. Remember, these are just rumors and it’s possible that the picture is just a cunning hoax.

Let’s hope these are true so Cult players can have something to hold on to until they get their book!

GSC Warlord Traits

cult warlord trait

A picture of the Warlord traits definitely wasn’t expected this early. Especially in the hype of Orktober. What do you think about these traits? Will Cult be more competitive with these traits?

Now we have more rumored rules that have not been corroborated by anyone besides “a reader on Faeit 212

Genestealer Cult Stratagems

Necromunda Genestealer Cults Is 2018 Really the Year of the Xenos For 40k?

  • -Sabotaged! (1CP) – When an enemy unit is destroyed and has an explosion effect, do not roll any dice – that effect automatically triggers. -Confusion in the Ranks (3CP) – Choose an enemy unit in your opponent’s army. Select one of its aura abilities – that ability cannot be used until the start of your next turn.
  • -Final Detonation (3CP): Use this stratagem at the start of the fourth battle round. Roll a D6 for each unit on the battlefield. On a 1-3, the unit being rolled for cannot advance this battle round. On a 4+, the unit being rolled for suffers a mortal wound and cannot advance this battle round.
  • -The Anointed one Rises: Use this stratagem if an Abominant is slain. At the end of the phase, that model is set up again, as close as possible to the previous position and more than 1″ from enemy models, with D3 wounds remaining.
  • -Density Analysis Lenses (1CP) Ignore cover on chosen target.
  • -Inhuman Reflexes (2CP): A unit gets a 5++, or has its invulnerable save increased by 1.
  • -Industrial Brutality (1CP) – Double the attacks of all mining weapons in an acolyte squad (rock saw, rock drill or rock cutter only).
  • -Frenzied Hammering (2CP) – Select a unit of Aberrants – each model in that unit increases its attacks by D3 (roll once for the whole unit), but takes a -1 to hit rolls.
  • -Strength of Faith (1CP) – 5+ feel no pain, but only vs. mortal wounds in the psychic phase.
  • -Demolition Claw (1CP) – When a unit with demolition charges makes its attacks while embarked within a goliath truck/rockgrinder. That units demolition charges are not expended in the attack.
  • -Deliverance Broodsurge (1CP) – Allows a unit embarked on a Goliath Truck to disembark after it moves, though for each one that disembarks roll a D6 – for every roll of 6+ the unit takes a mortal wound.
  • -Numbers beyond counting (3CP) – Remove a unit from the board, next turn deploy it via Cult Ambush at its full strength.
  • -Breaking Formation (2CP) – You may deploy a unit with the VEHICLE keyword from your army with the GENESTEALER CULTS keyword as per the Cult Ambush rules.

40k Cults Goliath genestealer hor wal

The same reader had the following to say:

Metamorphs are cheaper. they were overpriced before. Their weapons all have AP-1 now, or better (for rending claws), and they’re cheaper than Genestealers (rightfully). Hand flamers also went down from 8 points, they’re about half that price now.”

(In regards to goliath trucks and rockgrinders)

We realised that if a GSC  player wants to get something to the front line quicker, then they’ll just cult ambush stuff. If they want to protect their Neophytes, they just get more Neophytes (which is also cheaper). We’ve reduced points and added a  few stratagems that might help.

The relics, psychic powers (apart from Telepathic Summons from 7e) are all ports from the 7e codex.

So if these rumors turn out to be true, overall it looks like Games Workshop may be really uping their studio game with this book! What changes would you like, or not like to see from the faithful as they are poised to get a new book in the near future?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.