RUMORS: More New Horus Heresy Starter Set Box Details

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopNew details are here for the lineup of all the versions of the 4 rumored Horus Heresy Plastic Starter Set boxes including the Launch Box and more!

While it looks like a new Horus Heresy Starter Set will not be the featured sales item on Black Friday this year from Games Workshop, the latest rumors seem to be more in line with a larger general release for growing the game once again!

Let’s start with a recap of value and possible price points for the box(es) then get into the latest new details swirling around online.

Incredible Value For New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set

horus heresy walpaper

Thanks to the following exclusive image submitted by a Spikey Bits reader from this summer, we now have more to go off and a better idea of everything in the set. If these are right, this could be a gigantic starter.

Hi Guys.
I did this on ppt it gives a better idea of what might be the content of the future box
Thank you for what you do for the hobby 

30k rumor (compressed)Also just to note, these are all going to be priced in plastic.

  • 40 Mark III Space Marines $200 ($50 for 10)
  • 10 Cataphractii Terminators $130 ($65 for 5)
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $60 (based on the existing kit)
  • Characters $50 (based on the Space Marine Characters pack)
  • Spartan $100 (drop from resin based on the Repulsor Executioner price)
  • Rulebook and other potential accessories (note the absence of any templates…)

Total MSRP: $540

Total Values: if it’s priced in box at $200: $340 / at $300: $240

Whatever the price comes out to be, even at $300 this could really have the value-packed in there. Especially if the price of the Spartan doesn’t drop as we would expect.

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If they do price this at the $200 mark, it could really bring new players into the game, especially if the rules are coming updated along with it.

RUMORS: Details For New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set

Spotted over on Reddit, user u/Admiral_SKK, he compiles some of the more recent rumors online.

GW will overtake Horus Heresy as a “new” System from FW

Own Ruleset like the last one from FW, not a 9th Edition 40k adaption like many guess

Many new Plastic Sets are planned to replace FW Resin Models which will be also useful with 40k Armies

GW will overtake the Decals for all 18 Legions, Characteres and very Legion specific Stuff remains with FW

Horus Heresy Art Wal Hor

As a new Main System, Horus Heresy Story will expanded with Themed Expansions like the “Warzone” Books in 40k – the reboot beginns with the Battle for the Sol System, later they will revisit earlier “Warzones” like Istvaan III, Istvaan V, Prospero, Tallarn ect. with focus on certain Factions

Warzone Expansions replace the “Black Books” permanently

Horus Heresy is planned over many Years and will also Expanded into a “Age of Darkness” Game with multiple Setting, including the Scourge or the Great Crusade (see The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as “Middleearth” SBG)

First and foremost, the rumors originally cited a November 2021 release that was most likely rescheduled due to the current worldwide supply chain issues happening.

Jaghatai Khan Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40kThere was also noticeably no mention of this new starter set during the recent Warhammer Day preview either. We did however get a look at the newest (and last of the classic line) Primarch models, Jaghatai Khan!

4 New Horus Heresy Plastic Starter Launch Box Set

Once again on Reddit, user u/Admiral_SKK, has more recent rumors focused around the new Horus Heresy plastic Starter Set(s.)

New rumors have been added below in red and some grammar has been corrected.

Fundamentally the rumor states the “new” rules will still be true to 7th Edition, which we assumed from the Starter set pictures that showed a scatter die and templates still.

Age of Darkness – The Horus Heresy Launch Box:

As known, the Box will have the following content:
– 40 MkVI Marines
– 10 Cataphract Terminators
– 1 Spartan
– 1 Contemptor Dreadnought
– 1 Imperial Fist Castellan
– 1 Sons of Horus / Trainer Praetor
– “Age of Darkness” Rulebook
– “Horus Heresy” Intro Booklet
– “Battle for Heta-Gladius” Campaign Booklet
– Other Stuff for new Players

Story of the Box is about the Battle for Heta-Gladius, when the SoH
assaulted a small but important Imperial Garrison manned by Imperial Fists,
Blood Angels and the Imperial Army.

‘Heta-Gladius’ Launch Box:

  • 240£
  • Miniatures (as said)
  • IF Castellan has two head options (with and without helmet)
  • SoH Preator has three head options (with and without helmet, corrupted face)
  • Campagin Booklet (as said)
  • Horus Heresy Fluff Intro Booklet (as said)
  • Large Softcover Rulebook
  • FW Horus Heresy Catalogue
  • Horus Heresy Flyer (how to expand your Horus Heresy Armies)

Already the new plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set Launch Box looks to have way more in it than the previous two starters, and now may definitely end up being the Indomitus version of 30k. Especially with this latest path to market rumors.

Considering the last two boxes for Horus Heresy were only $150 though, this may just be to push the price to that $200-300 mark.

We’ll have to wait a little longer on the confirmed price to decide that, but there are also some rumors this could be GW trying to up the price to $300 for a starter set.


Big Intro Box:

Supposedly this Launch box will be followed several months later by smaller new configuration repackaged sets just like the previous Indomitus, and Dominion set launches for Warhammer 40k and AoS.

  • 180£
  • Miniatures (as said)
  • Both Characters / HQ choices are not the same identical from the Launch Box
  • Dreadnought is the Mosopose from the Calth Box
  • Large Softcover Rulebook
  • FW Horus Heresy Catalogue
  • Horus Heresy Flyer (how to expand your Horus Heresy Armies)

This was previously rumored to have the following contents:

– 30 MkVI Marines
– 10 Terminators (don’t know if Cataphracts or Tartaros)
– 1 Contemptor Dreadnought (the Monopose one)
– 2 Characters

Medium Intro Box:

  • 100 £
  • Miniatures (as said)
  • Both Characters / HQ choices are not the same identical from the Launch Box
  • Dreadnought is the Mosopose from the Calth Box
  • Small Softcover Rulebook
  • Horus Heresy Flyer (how to expand your Horus Heresy Armies)

This version was previously rumored to have the following contents:

– 20 MkVI Marines
– 5 Terminators (don’t know if Cataphracts or Tartaros)
– 1 Contemptor Dreadnought (the Monopose one)
– 2 Characters

Small Intro Box

  • 40 £
  • Miniatures (as said)
  • Small Softcover Rulebook
  • Horus Heresy Flyer (how to expand your Horus Heresy Armies)

This was said to come only with ten of the new MkVI marines.

Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Launch Accessories
horus heresy collection

Further rumors forecast the new rules and settings, plus some helpful accessories to get new legions up and running faster with rules and hobby support.

Age of Darkness Rulebook:
Main Rules for Games Workshops new main System
– Core Rules are technical 7th Edition 40k
– Units and formations are like in 8th and 9th Edition

Black Books:
First “Warzone” Book
– Featuring the Legions of Imperial Fists and Blood Angels for loyalists
and SoH and World Eaters for traitors, also Imperial Army
– Includes content before the Traitors entered the sol system

Age of Darkness Horus Heresy Compendium
“Codex-like” Book for the Age of Darkness
– Over 200 Sites
– Summary for most of the FW Rules Content after the old Books will get
replaced by new Warzone Books
– Rules for all 18 Space Marine Legions
– Mechanicus
– Imperial Army and Auxilia

GW Internal:
There will be some internal changes at Nottingham
– Staff from the FW Team (which were working on HH) switched already to the

GW Main Studio
– Work on the new Age of Darkness Rulebook began before this
– White Dwarf Team will grow for more HH featuring content

These are also new Citadel hobby rumors for new sprays coming to help hobbyists paint up their armies faster.

  • 12 new Spray cans
  • some of them are fitting to layer colors
  • Sons of Horus Green Spray
  • White Scars Spray (return of “true white” as a spray)
  • Valrak Orange Spray (sorry, a joke by the source…)

New Horus Heresy Edition & Plastic Starter Set


Horus Heresy book 9 crusade

Getting its own ruleset makes sense, especially when you see what looks like a scatter die in the images of the models. GW taking decals makes sense, especially since pretty much all of them are still applicable in 40k in some ways. Horus Heresy getting “Warzone” style expansions is exciting, maybe it will make the rules easier to follow. Specifics on locations seem legit, but could technically not be true.

It looks like there are long terms plans for GW to start working on Horus Heresy and making it the main game. Hopefully, that means there will be an upsurge of players and some growth in the community, as right now it’s pretty small.

Either way, plastic kits at the bare minimum are always a great thing to see.

These possibilities seem promising if they all end up true!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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