RUMORS: More New Terrain Kit This Summer From GW

cliffs terrain

More new terrain is rumored to be on the way from Games Workshop this summer! Check out the latest on what may hitting the tabletops soon!

Rumors appeared of some terrain that could be pointing to Warcry specifically. Check out the latest new release rumors

We’ve Been Seeing Warband After Warband


With multiple Warband models under our belt, it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing previews focused around rules and perhaps what could be coming in the starter box.


Looking back at a seminar preview from Vargist on Faeit 212, there’s been a picture of what looks to be everything in the starter set out on display in a slideshow presumably at Warhammer Fest.

Going off the cosmetics of everything, it looks like there could be new terrain on the way that is just as deadly as the enemy Warband. The walls look to be made out of spiked grating with spatterings of barbed sticks/Chaos iconography stuck in the ground. Maybe this game will have a knockback mechanic where you can impale them against the wall and do some damage.

Just keep this terrain in mind as we hear about the latest rumor.

New GW Terrain On The Way?

warcry 4

An Industry Insider had this to say:

Two new terrain kits coming soon. Something like… Shattered Stormvault and Corpsewrack Mausoleum. 

The Shattered Stormvault sounds eerily similar to the terrain that came with the Forbidden Power expansion in AoS. But with that release already under our belts, it’s making us look towards Warcry. We don’t know much of anything beyond the model line for the game and there have definitely been some new terrain pieces spotted within the previews.

As for the Corpsewrack Mausoleum, we could make the case for it being some kind of Nighthaunt terrain piece, but we also can’t say it won’t be for Warcry either.

What do you think about these named kits? Could it be terrain for AoS or Warcry? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.