NEW NECRON RULES – Shield of Baal, The Alliance?

By Rob Baer | December 10th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The writing is on the walls, er pages. There maybe no denying the Necron Blood Angel 7th Edition Fist Bump.

The Necrons are coming soon and here’s why!

It may be purely coincidental that their is a rumored advent calendar book coming out the same day as the Blood Angel Codex release about the Necron Silent King, or in the grand scheme of things it all may just be interconnected.

Gather around let me tell you a tale from the Grim Dark Past …

You see the last Silent King (who indeed was Szarekh) of the Necronytr ruled over his people when they were tricked by the C’Tan and transformed into the soulless ones we know of them today.

After the defeat of the C’tan during the War in Heaven, he and a vast army of followers fled into deep space, perhaps the area known as the Ghoul Stars. He was rumored to be looking for a cure for his people to revert the process of biotransference and back into beings of flesh and blood once again.

While in the void recently, he encountered the Tyranids and immediately recognized that they posed the single biggest threat to his people. Because if they consumed all life in the galaxy, there would be no one to serve as the reverse hosts the Necronytr need to become living beings once again.

So Szarekh now seeks to re-awaken his people, the Necrons, and retask them to this purpose; the eradication of the Tyranid threat, and the enslavement of mankind for reverse biotransference.


Are these perhaps Baal’s unexpected allies? As Hive Fleet Leviathan threatens to overwhelm and envelope them, the Silent King may become Baal’s greatest hope.

Checkout this little teaser passage in the back of the Deathstorm campaign book that may even foreshadow the awaking of these allied forces.

“And from the shadows of the Phodian undercity an ancient evil has stirred, awoken by the coming of the hive fleet.”


Now in the latest leaks for the new Shield of Baal Exterminatus book, they talk about what happens when a Hierophant goes up against a C’Tan, that there is 18 new Detachments for the “Cryptan Alliance”, as well as new Relics and Warlord Traits for the Blood Angels, Flesh Tearers, and the Necron Mephrit Dynasty!

Has Szarekh’s Great Awakening come the Baal Sector? Only time, and the next White Dwarf may tell for sure…

What say ye, is it the End Times for the Baal Sector? -MBG