RUMORS- New Chaos: Black Crusade, Tzeentch & Warzone Fenris

By Rob Baer | October 31st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Checkout the latest rumors on yet MORE Chaos Marine releases that may be right around the corner. Is it too good to be true?

new magnus the red primarch

Is there more to Magnus, and those Thousand Sons Marines we saw just a few weeks ago? Remember the Salt here folks these are 100% Grade “A” Tabletop Rumors….


Grab you salt shakes and dig in folks, this edition is SUPER Salty:

Source:  Andross on Dakka

…Right. as I understand it he means. A Codex: for Tzeentch, a Codex: for Nurgle and a Codex: for Slaanesh with new rules, wargear, formations, etc. For armies built around both mortals and daemons dedicated to the aforementioned power/faction. But they probably won’t have “Daemonkin” in title.

….Yeh I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting more campaign books to represent the activities of Abaddon’s 13th black crusade. a lot more.

…..I’ll let you on a pet peave.Which may explain why GW are trying to create so much new metierial for Chaos Space Marines. They did not truly finnish the army

. All other Codex:s I own, IS Marines, D Angels, S Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Eldar, Tyranids all have miniatures representing any and all unit choices.

Now with Chaos Space Marines. there are to blatent and conspicuous omissions. Cultits and Chosen.

You may say you get them both in Dark Vengance or mention the five man Cultist boxed squads.

Not in eitherare these true miniatures kits as what we expect from GW, but also show a huge a lack of effort and/or vision on there part. before I go on Ineed everyone to understand I love Games Workshop and almost every piece of work they’ve done. but this realy upset me they gave us beautiful examples of what they had in mind for Cultist and Cultist models but then forget to give us a boxed kit with all the weapon and head options. That is wrong. OK? you can’t do that.

Any way Ithink we’ll probably see kits for those soon too.

Now to address Abadabadoobaddon’s coment.

You quite right. GW have been rather lax on the Slaash for 40K front. We got a few nice daemon units and nothing for the mortals. But hink on what you actually posted.

You dont think GW would my a Codex: for the forces of Slaanesh because they’ve not relesed new for that specific Chaos Power for along time.

OK we got a new Kharn with Traitor’s Hate, a few days to week after Iget tipped off to new Codex: new Tzeentch models are anounced.

Throughout the extensive time I’ve hobbied within the 40K universe (been playing since 2nd Edition) I’ve found that the time we usually see new miniatures releases is when a new Codex: is released.

So your coment is probably more an argument for a new Slaanesh Codex: than one against.

heldrake-horz chaos

…..We’re definitely getting new Thousand sons so it’s probably safe to say new noise marines are on the way.

Don’t think they’ll make new plque marine sculpts but they’ll make probably convert them to plastic. I think now that one can fine sculpt in plastic. resin models are going to disappear outside Forge World altogether.

….OK, I think War Zone Feris is almost a dead cert.

I think they’re gonna be building up to a Black Crusade campaign book like Codex: Eye of Terror, wihich is pretty cool.
…OK, firstly the conversion kits are not for a spacific legion. They’re for a chaos power so 10 Mark … shoulder pads appropriate weapons etc. So they can be used for any appropriately dedicated armys.

Secondly. The Codex:s are 40K+ Armies. There will be no 1K stuff. There will be no Horus Heresy rule. It is set entirely within 40K era.

By the way, where are people getting all the 1st millennium stuff? I didn’t know GW did rule set that far back. Where can I get material on that?

A word of caution here folks, these posts are starting to sound more and more like wish-listing and posturing rather than “real” rumors, HOWEVER we have seen in the past that other folks with more accurate information use these times to jump online and clear up things and drop ever better rumors.

Hopefully that is the case with these ramblings true or otherwise…

Previous Rumors From Andross:

… coming soon. a new daemonkin style Codex: for the three remaining Chaos powers, A new set of Chaos data cards comprising of the tacticle objective cards (originaly available with with the special edition version of Traitor’s Hate) and new Pykic Power cards for Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, with seven powers for each and conversion kits for the Chaos Powers like those for Blood Angels, Space Wolves etc with 10 shoulder pads champion heads weapons. So yeh if he’s done his clearvoyant trick I’ll be very very busy through next year.

…Not a single crossover Codex: for all three one whole book for each of them.

The Data Cards are the only thing he said had stuff for all three in, the faction spesific psykic powers.

The only thing I don’t get is how the updated psykic powers will play into the new Codex:s.

If we’re getting new powers there will need to be a printed version of them. Not everyone will be able to afford or want the the cards they’re a nice touch and I always get them for any factions I own, but they are for everyone.

… If we’re getting three new Codex:s it stands to reason that each discipline will be in the appropriate faction Codex:. But I know some people who flat out dislike the Daemonkin thing. should they have to buy three Codex:s they don’t really want just so they can have the updated psykic powers for an army and Codex: they already own?

…when I said a daemonkin style Codex: I meant a Codex: each for each chaos power, that do for each of them, what Khorne Daemonkin does for Khorne unit’s, but won’t necessarily have “Daemonkin” in the title,

…I just hope they get the Data Cards before Christmas as I’ll need them for the legion Codex: I’m wrighting.

Right. as I understand it he means. A Codex: for Tzeentch, a Codex: for Nurgle and a Codex: for Slaanesh with new rules, wargear, formations, etc. For armies built around both mortals and daemons dedicated to the aforementioned power/faction. But they probably won’t have “Daemonkin” in title.

So what does that all mean? Well to me it looks again like wishlisting of Chaos legion rules updated into a “Daemonkin” format.  Sure it’s what a lot of us veteran Chaos players out there want, which leaves this to be the target of much heresy and mystery. However I will say this, we’ve seen the new Magnus, and the new Thousand Sons Legion “Cult” models. We know there is something out here whether it’s like Warzone Fenris related OR something else…

I would say this rumor overall has more legs to stand on just because of the temperature of the current hobby environment with the big Tzeentch teasers out there.

At the end of the day GW has acknowledged Plastic sisters, perhaps they know we want Chaos Legions just as much too?


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