Grab your salt shakers and read this one folks, there’s several rumormongers talking about the 2016 return of Adeptus Mechanicus. Come see what’s “shaking”.
Will the Ad-Mech follow in the foot steps of the Imperial Knights, and return a year later with an improved codex?.
A source who spoke to BoLS on condition of anonymity reported:
- Adeptus Mechanicus will return in 2016 Q2.
- Look for a rollup of the two 2015 codices into a single unified book.
While Faeit commenter Squiggly reported:
New admech book. Basically the two seperate codexes rolled into the big book with some new additions. The new additions are basically just leftovers from the last release that never got put into production. There was concept work done on two more types of battle robots and a new flyer of some sorts. That Enginseer from the Leman Russ bundle should also be getting a seperate release.
No idea on timeframe, but if the Admech I.A is getting released this year. Common sense would dictate…
Very strange rumors indeed, but there is two separate folks pointing to the same thing. Plus still early in 2016 and the 40K rumormill is already starting to power up.
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