RUMORS – New Cult Mechanicus Robots?

By Rob Baer | April 28th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Beep Boop, the forthcoming Cult Mechanicus looks to be getting some interesting units soon. Check this out!

Yesterday we heard about some new tracked models that sounded like Necron Destroyers in function, and now there’s these new rumors about robots from the same source.

One things for sure, the new Cult Mechanicus sounds like the perfect sequel for codex Skitarii!

Via Captain Citadel

Cult Mechanicus will feature a new robot type unit that is part Forge World Castellex, part Space Marine Centurion.

Their bodies are plated armour sealed in the front much like the centurions in appearance, but with no chest mounted weapons. They are on 50mm bases and are quite larger than the Centurion models. Their heads are a giant domed EVA helmet which looks quite fantastic. There are no organic components visible the models, they are automanta.

There are several armaments they come with; a larger calibre cannon in their right hand to flamer type weapon in their left. Articulated hands with finger appendages are also an option, as well as a top shoulder mounted versions of these same type weapons.

One things for sure, the new Cult Mechanicus sounds like the perfect sequel for codex Skitarii!

Full Mechanicus Roundup

I loved the Centurions, and I am sure I’ll love these new guys too!