New Flesh Eater Courts models have been spotted in the wild, and it looks like updated Ghouls are on the way!
We’ve been hearing rumors for a long time about new FEC, but seeing some models out there is always better than just hearing about rumors!
Obviously, this isn’t officially from GW, so take it with what salt you need. We spotted the sprue for this almost two months ago, but it looks like they took the time to build up a couple of the models, and they are the same size (more or less) as the current Ghouls.With that in mind, it would make sense for them to be updated Ghouls, but they could always be something totally new. Let’s dive into it!
RUMORS: New Flesh Eater Courts Models Spotted in the Wild!
Here is the latest on the new Flesh Eater Courts models from Reddit.
Finally cleaned them all and kinda assembled them with some sticky tack, mainly since i still cannot figure out how the drum is supposed to go, but still managed to “build” some examples of them, surprisingly enough they seem to be about the same size as crypt ghouls and the warcry peasant ones, mainly due to being hunched back a lot, heres a pic doing a comparrison with the warcry warband, underworlds butcher, crypt ghoul and horror.
Considering they didn’t get the entire box, they don’t have the instructions, so building certain parts can be challenging. Either way, they are almost the same size as the current Ghouls, with much bigger weapons and more menacing faces.
We’ve heard rumors about new Flesh Eater Courts dropping in January (which you can check out here), and if all the models are already ready to go, it seems possible.
They are sized quite well with all the other models and, at this point, look very much like new Ghouls. However, we don’t know, so take that with some salt.
Their weapons are the main difference, as they come with giant halberds, and even some of the swords look to be upgraded. But who doesn’t want bigger weapons?
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