RUMORS – The Orruks Are Next? Waaagh!

By Rob Baer | March 29th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Will the Orruks be next? Everyone seems to think so, but nothing concrete is here yet… Come see the breadcrumb trail to this weeks upcoming release.

New Rumors:

via Darnok 3-28-2016

Some kind of late Easter Egg here…

According to one of my sources, the former Orcs & Goblins will get their “AoS-ification” at the end of April. The first release is set for 30th of April, with advance orders up on the 23. In no particular order, there will be: a monster kit, a new unit of cavalry, a new unit of infantry, plus some clampack characters. Apart from the characters (no details here) the other new kits are about Ironjaws (former Black Orcs).

What We Know:

This poster was spotted recently on the web that seems to indicate Orruks are coming soon, and will have several re-boxes as well. That’s great news for the Orruk line as it looks like two Age of Sigmar armies are getting AXED.


Source:  BoLS 2-27-2016

Longtime rumormonger Mikhael is back with more info on the Destruction release:

via mikhael 2-27-2016

 “We will see new Kits in March. It’s not a Book only release.”
 This, of course, lines up with what he mentioned earlier this week:

via mikhael 2-23-2016

“Orcs and Goblins / Destruction in March are the next release for Age of Sigmar.”


The last time we saw an Orruk release was back at the start of the year, with the Collecting Box Sets.


Here’s what was teased about the release that’s on the way next week, but does it mean the Orruks will appear?

The April 2nd Teaser:

12674565_10153529758623546_1232322549_n - Copy

It’s anyone’s guess at this point what’s right around the corner, but I would be very surprised at this point if it was anything 40k.

New AoS Roundup

~You want Orruks? ’cause this is how you get Orruks!

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