RUMORS – The Mastodon & Stormbird Go Missing?

By Rob Baer | April 1st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

legion mastodon

Hobby Maniacs if you have been waiting to purchase either the Stormbird or Mastodon from Forge World, you’ve gotta see THIS.

From the floor of Adpeticon:

The Mastodon has been a pain in the knickers as the moulds have not been able to produce the tank parts in the desired fashion for the studio. On the plus side the Stormbird will be here soon, and each purchase will include the landing pad too!

Okay so that’s a super heavy positive negative positive sandwich right there folks. On one hand I can see how the super chunky Mastodon could be a nightmare for the casters, but I would rather them get it right then the other way around.

It also makes sense why we haven’t seen it release yet, when it was published in White Dwarf last month as that week’s new release as well.

sokar stormbird

For the Stormbird, it would be neat to see the inclusion of the landing pad with the kit itself, because let’s face it that thing is just too huge to not have a “base” for right?

thunderhawk stormbird landing pad



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