Remember how Games Workshop released 7th Edition 40k? Checkout the format Fantasy may return in!
via Faeit 5-29-2015
“Age of Sigmar will be not the first part of a Three-Part Ruleset in the 9.Edition, it will be the Name of the first Starter Set. The Set includes Simplyfied Fantasy Rules, based on the new Edition with Skimisher Rules. Age of Sigmar will be an easy and “cheap” introduction for new People and the first Release of the new Edition. Soon after the Set GW will release the Full Rulebook with full skimisher and standard Rules. Later in this Year, there will be a classic Starter Set like the previous with two Armies and a Full Mini-Rulebook.”
via Atia 5-28-2015
Regarding the new “Age of Sigmar” product for WFB 9th:
That image indicates a product page for “Age of Sigmar” exists on the GW website, but is currently not redirecting to another placeholder page until it is used.
Warhammer 9th Roundup
~ There seems to be no stopping the return of Fantasy!