Saga of the Beast Orks New 40k Rules REVEALED

Ghazghkull thraka rulesCheck out all the new 40k rules that the Orks are getting, in a full look at the Saga of the Beast expansion for Psychic Awakening.

Coming from Auspex Tactics we’ve got a full look at what’s inside Saga of the Beast. Space Wolves and Orks are both sitting in the same boat as far as a need for a rules update. With that said, here’s everything Orks will be getting shortly.

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Ghazghkull’s New Stats



ghazghkull rules official

Spotted on Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook, we’ve got his datasheet. We saw it earlier, however now that it’s been dropped on one of GW’s official outlets we know that there won’t be any surprises…except for points.

Some key things to note about Ghaz’s new stats, however, is that GW took away his Infantry keyword, made him greater than 10 wounds, and now allows rerolls to Friendly Ork Infantry… Meaning you’ll be able to lead a Waaagh! from all different Clans.

Ghaz is 285 pts

Makari’s New Stats



Makari is going to be an incredibly useful tool for Orks with his small model and invuln save. He’ll be even more durable than a group of Nurglings and perfect for sitting on an objective. With character protection, enemy players will almost always be forced to punch him off an objective. laughs in 2++ invuln.

Makari is 65 pts

Big Mek with Kustom Force Field is 55 pts including wargear.

Greenskinz New Stratagems

orks new stratagems

We previously saw two stratagems Klever Spanner, and Flyin ‘Eadbutt. From the rest of the list, Dreaded Death Machine looks sweet just in terms of potential, you could make it an absolute monster by the end of the game, unfortunately, it could also just die as well.

ork stratagem klever spanner1/2 CP to potentially triple your shot output? Yes, please! This Strat is crazy and will pair fantastically with the already competitive Loota squads hiding behind some Grots.

ork stratagem flyin eadbuttFlyin ‘Eadbutt is an Orky way of going down swinging. You basically get to auto-explode your Flyers. This is PERFECT for a Burna Bommer you’re harassing the enemy with.

New Ork Kustom Jobs

Somewhat similarly to disciplines, Orks get Kustom Jobs! You pay 1cp per job and can have as many as you like as long as they are different. each of these provides some kind of boost to the vehicle you give it too.


Pass or Fail: Orks Mekboy Workshop Rules BreakdownThe terrain piece is getting a little love too. If you can fit this in your list, it now has the added bonus of giving you one free kustom job from the list below.

kustom jobs The coolest, in my opinion, is definitely the Korkscrew, Scrapjets are decent in combat so fighting twice can be a sweet bonus to have on them.

ork terrain rule orkymatic pistonsThe big clunky walkers out of the Ork armory will be able to add 3″ to their base movement (which is already huge) and can reroll their advances.

Ork Powers of the Waaagh!



ork clan specific psychis

We saw Blood Axes: Clever Talk earlier, however of the new options, Goffs: Bull Charge is sweet. Movement powers are always nice and Bull Charge’s guarantee to never snake eyes on the charge is awesome.

ork psychic power clever talkFor Clever Talk, this is a brutal payoff for just a WC of 6. You can pick something visible to your Psyker and shut down their overwatch and they have to fight last. This means your Weirdboy can hang back and fling some Boyz up the board one turn.

Then next turn, he can shut down something like a Knight Valiant’s flamers and let the Boyz walk right into melee.

Ork Players Can Customize Their Clans- Specialist Mobs

Orks are also getting the custom rules package in Saga of the Beast with these specialist mob “Subkulturs”.

ork specialist mobz

Out of this list, we’ve seen Pyromaniacs and  Grot Mobs. As for the rest, Flyboyz has some potential depending on how many flyers you want to take, giving them consistent saves is a great way to save some wounds here and there that might just make the difference.

Ork custom clan rules pyromaniacsThis rule is pretty powerful if you build your list right. Basically just take everything with weapons themed around fire and flame. You can reroll your shot output for a whole list of weapons including skorcha missiles and killa jets. If you get into melee with your Burnas, you can reroll your wounds! As one last little cherry on top, your Burna Bombs will be exploding way easier with +1 to the roll.

ork rule grot mob cheeky zoggersIf you want to control the board and really spam the mess out of some Gretchin, you can always pick this subkultur to beef up your Grots. This gives every Gretchin model a 6++ invuln which might not seem like much. However, it guarantees a save for every unit and when you bring 200+ Gretchin models, the dice really start adding up.

Plus, when you attack with a vehicle with the Gretchin keyword from this subkultur, you get free rerolls of 1.

mek gunMek Gunz have been a competitive option for Ork players since their codex. However, they also have the Gretchin keyword which means they’re about to get a lot better.

That’s it for the new ork rules! Be sure to check out Auspex Tactics and subscribe for more 40k tactics related videos and content!

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Now that all these rules are out, how do you think things two factions will shape the meta? Did Orks finally get the support they deserved back in Orktober? 

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