Salt Lake Open 2022: Top 40k Homebrew Army List

40k-homebrew-army-listsCustodes can still perform as a new homebrew Warhammer 40k army list emerged at the Salt Lake Open 2022!

9th Edition’s meta is again in flux, but some players take lists with units that nobody expected. Check out this awesome homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. This shows us that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Salt Lake Open 2022: Top 40k Homebrew Army List

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. You can check out the details here,

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.

Salt Lake Open 2022 top 8

However, we aren’t covering all those lists. Instead, we will look at just one of our favorites this week.

Salt Lake Open 2022: Derek Holder – Adeptus Custodes 5th Place

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


Derek Holder 1

Derek’s Custodes list isn’t too unique, but it’s been a few months since we’ve seen the faction dominating the top of tournaments. His performance is a reminder that they are still completely viable for competitive settings, even at the larger events!

His list is a single battalion of Custodes led by Trajann and a Shield-Captain. Trajann is a fantastic HQ who is both a great combatant and support piece, as he is one of the best Custodes models. The Captain also provides a re-roll aura while being a pretty decent model on his own.

Troops bring 9 Sagittarum, which are all standard choices that are way more effective than other faction troops and much more point-dense. They can also perform very well in both melee and ranged combat. There are also 5 Prosecutors for a few cheap bodies thanks to their access to Sisters of Silence models.

Elites start off with a total of 5 Allarus Custodians, which are all running Grenade launchers and are great at wiping out chaff units.

Derek Holder 2

There are also two Achillus Dreads, which are fantastic armored threats with decent melee options and a good melee stat line in a pinch. These variants are great at targeting enemy armored units.

Finally, closing out the list are 6 Praetors who sport some great mobility and can wipe out chaff with ease thanks to their Hurricane bolters.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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