Save Hobby $$$ Blightwar Contents Breakdown

By James Rodriguez | August 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

nurgle sorcerer

Another bundle box set on the horizon, but how much of a deal is this one? Come see the breakdown Age of Sigmar: Blightwar box and how much you can save!

The new Blightwar box looks like a great deal for your hobby dollar, but how good of a deal?

Well, today we’re going to do a full breakdown so you know just how good of a deal you’re getting with this $160 box set.

AoS Blightwar

Let’s start off with the Stormcast Eternals part of the box.

  • 3x Vanguard-Raptors $35
  • 3x Vanguard-Palladors $60
  • 5x Vanguard Hunters $30 (Half box)
  • Neave Blacktalon $??

AoS Blightwar Stormcast

That’s already a total of $125 worth of models for the Stormcast Eternals, and that’s not including the Neave Blacktalon model which we don’t have a price for yet. The average single model for Stormcast ranges anywhere from $25 to $40 on the Games Workshop website, so that should give you some kind of idea on what it will cost.

So lets say $150 total with the new ladycast.

Now, let’s take a look at the Nurgle half of the box.

  • 10x Plaguebeaers $29
  • 3x Nurglings $25
  • 3x Plague Drones $60
  • Horticulous Slimux $??

AoS Blightwar Nurgle

For Nurgle, we’re see a total of $114 minus the new Horticulous Slimux model which we don’t have a price for yet. But, once again, comparing equal size single models, we’re seeing an average price of $40 to $57. So lets say $154 total value based off that.

Here’s a preview of the two new battalions that come in the box as well:

blightwar battalion fecund rituculturalists blightwar battallion blacktalon's shadowhammers

So all in all it looks like you’re getting an amazing deal with the new Blightwar box. Just counting the prices we know, excluding character models, we’re at a total of $239! After the character models are factored into the price the total value may very well be $304. So it looks like you’ll be saving close to $140, maybe a little more, by purchasing this box which is right around 50% savings off MSRP.  Plus by this point most folks out there can get a discount from their Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS) or online and save even more.

If you’re planning on starting a Stormcast Eternals or Nurgle Army this looks like it’s going to be the box for you.

What do you think about the new Age of Sigmar: Blightwar box? Are you going to be picking getting yourself a copy? Let us know in the comments below.

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