Save $$$ New Space Marines Start Collecting Values

Ahriman The Exile

Space Wolves and T-Sons are the two factions to get the latest Start Collecting box sets. Check out what you’ll be getting inside of each, and their value!

Space Wolves got the first Primaris Start Collecting and Thousand Sons had a named character thrown in theirs! These are just around the corner so let’s break down the value of each.

Remember, besides the Battle Leader you can just build normal Primaris Marines from the Space Wolf one.

Space Wolves Start Collecting $95


start collecting SW

Inside you’ll find:

  • 10x Primaris Intercessors $60
  • 3x Primaris Aggressors $50
  • Primaris Battle Leader $35? We’ve only ever seen this guy out of the Tooth and Claw set but based off of normal character pricing, we’re going with $35.
  • (probably one or two upgrade sprues to make everything Space Wolfy). $12.50 for 1

Total Value: $157.50

Total Savings: $62.50

Thousand Sons Start Collecting $95

start collecting tsons

Thousand Sons are getting a pretty awesome Start Collecting box with Ahriman and some other units that have been spotted in the meta. Inside you’ll find:

  • 10x Tzaangors $40 Chainsword upgrade x2 $12.50 ea.
  • 10x Rubric Marines $55
  • Ahriman $40

Total Value: $160

Total Savings: $65

Looking at the box overall, you’re basically getting Ahriman and more “for free”. Not a bad deal! Especially considering that this Box Set has units that are all totally viable in the meta. There are a few Start Collecting boxes out there like the regular Space Marines (with a Dreadnought/ Terminator Captain) that are almost totally worthless. If

GW keeps up with releasing more Start Collecting boxes for factions, we’re excited to see what will come inside of them.

What do you think about these Start Collecting boxes? Which one will you be grabbing up? Would you like to see more named characters come inside of future Start Collectings? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!