Score 1600+ STLs Cheap With Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury Kickstarter!

Battle Cries KickstarterNow’s your chance to pick up 1600+ high-quality STLs from 28 different creators in the Battle Cries Kickstarter!

Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury is a massive STL bundle that is officially live over on Kickstarter, where 28 different creators have teamed up with SolGood Creations for both a good cause and a good deal!

Each backer helps to feed someone in need who’s suffering from the war in Ukraine, so let’s take a peek at some of the massive amounts of files available in this Kickstarter!

Over 1600+ STLs Available on Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury Kickstarter!



Hello, past, present, and future backers!

SolGood Creations is back with five fantastic dioramas for you in Battle Cries: Unleashed Fury. 

Get some great miniatures and terrain at a great price, and help some people just by engaging in your hobby. Everyone wins!

Battle Cries Kickstarter all


Remember, everything here is a digital product, mainly STLs for 3D printers.


Sample 1

Sample print

Core Set

Each highly detailed 3D printable diorama portrays a different story, letting you immerse yourself in stories of glory, redemption, fury, or ambition. From a ritual to summon an ancient god into our world, to the post-apocalyptic roads of a dying world ruled by cyborg bikers, you can bring to life a glorious story with our beautiful themed miniatures, terrain, and bases.

*Possible color schemes for painting. It’s just a digital renders.

Core Set Battle Cries 4

Core Set Battle Cries 3

Core Set Battle Cries 2



In addition to our offerings from Solgood Creations, you will get EVERYTHING shown below when you back this project. These are bonus models from other creators who support us. These models are only available as part of the project.

Many creators generously donated their own products giving you a wide range of miniatures.

In addition to the massive amount of files that were made by SolGood themselves, they also have big names partnering up and providing files like Creature Caster and Asgard Rising, to name a few.

Creature Caster Battle Cries Asgard Rising Battle Cries

This project has way too many files to do justice in just this article! Whether you need terrain, monsters, alternatives, or even props, this Kickstarter has you covered several times over.

For the first two days, you can snag the full early package for only $89, which comes out to only around 5 cents per file!

Even if you miss out on the Early Bird tier, even for $103 dollars, that’s a little over 6 cents per file, which is still an awesome deal!

Don’t miss out on this chance to grab over 1600+ awesome STLs and support a good cause at the same time!

Click Here To Get Your 1600+ STLs