New AoS Battlescroll Balance Updates & Rules Changes

By Travis Pasch | June 22nd, 2022 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, rules, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer-age-of-sigmar-warscroll-updatesHere’s what is changing in the latest AoS Balance Warscroll that updates rules for infantry models fighting in Gallet!

This new AoS Battlescroll will be a compilation of all the rules changes, updates, and tweaks which will be downloadable here. These are mainly tweaks to rules and points, but obviously, important to anyone who plays the game.

“With the next General’s Handbook heralding a shift from monsters to infantry, we’ve brought The Hunt to an end. We’ve made some targeted adjustments to certain units, many of which were previously designated as Priority Targets, and to some factions, many of which were Prime Hunters.”

GW Drops New June 2022 AoS Battlescroll Update

Now, let’s check out the official release from Warhammer Community.

“Our focus for this Battlescroll is purely on external balance – we want to bring all factions, subfactions or army types within our 45-55% win rate target. As such, you’ll see certain Stormcast Eternals lists, the Cities of Sigmar’s Living City subfaction, Seraphon’s Coalesced army type, and Legion of the First Prince all come down a notch.

“Meanwhile Hedonites of Slaanesh, Blades of Khorne, Kruleboyz, Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite Gitz, Flesh-eater Courts and Ossiarch Bonereapers have all received a boost.” 

AoS ChangesConsidering you can’t use Thunderbolt on reinforced units really nerfs it as the big units can’t take advantage. Being able to keep more of your Blood Tithe is a very nice buff, as you don’t have to build them all up again. The big thing here the Reddit one missed is the additional points changes to Hedonites.

AoS Changes 2Giving exploding 6’s to Bonesplitterz is pretty sweet as you can really ramp up the attacks!

These come from Reddit and have some pretty decent changes inside.

  • Thunderbolt Volley only applies to not reinforced Justicar or Angelos units (Longstrike nerf)
  • Strike then Melt Away doesn’t allow a unit to finish a move after shooting less than 9″ from enemies (Fulminators nerf)
  • Draconic Onslaught is a reroll charge instead of move + charge in hero phase (Stormdrake nerf)
  • Grinnin’ Blades ability lasts for the entire game (Kruleboyz buff)
  • Scaly Skin now only affects Saurus, Kroxigors, and Monsters (rather than all Seraphon)
  • Khorne doesn’t lose all Blood Tithe when they spend them
  • Lumineth Loreseeker is back to Unique
  • Bodyward also removed from Be’lakor in LotFP
  • The bad moon has been updated for gits, alongside the loon shrine
  • Bonesplitterz now have exploding 6’s in melee
  • Flesh eater courts battle trait is friendly FEC have 6+ ward (no more hero chains)

Some NERFs and buffs are both on this list. It looks like Stormcast grabbed the most nerfs with Kruleboyz getting the biggest buffs.

This is a pretty interesting way to change things, we’ll have to see if it makes a big difference or not. the latest season of Age of Sigmar.

Download All the Changes Here!

March 2022: Second AoS Battlescroll Update

second AoS Battlescroll

For this second Battlescroll, the team are trying something different, providing a standalone mechanism for us to address balance without invalidating the content of the battletomes you have collected, clashing with points contained in upcoming books, or restricting the use of an army that you may have spent a lot of time collecting and painting.

To that end, the Predators and Prey rule in the General’s Handbook 2021 is being expanded. This rule provides players with another way of earning victory points – by targeting the biggest threats in the Mortal Realms. Players who choose to pack their roster with dominant units like the Dracothian Guard will surrender precious victory points for each unit lost.

They have obviously done this to help weaker performing armies to score more VP. So, if you’ve been struggling for those sweet, sweet VPs, check out the table below.

second AoS Battlescroll 2

The lists of Priority Targets and Prime Hunters have been built based on both feedback from tournament players as well as analysis of data from hundreds of events. There’s been a particular focus on the win rate per warscroll – that is, the percentage of time a faction wins when a certain warscroll is included in the roster.

This should help get those VPs. Plus, if you have a hard time taking down a big target, this makes it far more worthwhile. Just like Gloompsite Gitz can get 3 VPs for Mega Gargants. This is a pretty interesting way to change things, we’ll have to see if it makes a big difference or not.

Download the AoS Battlescroll Rules Changes Here!

What do you think of all these Age of Sigmar rules updates and changes via the AoS Battlescroll?

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