Skarbrand / New Bloodthirster Spotted!

By Rob Baer | September 21st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


What may be the last Age of Sigmar release is finally here, and depending on who you ask, GW may have saved the best for last. Come see Skarbrand!

Via Warhammer Forum 9-21-2015

Skarbarand has been spotted on the cover of next week’s White Dwarf.


skarbrand white dwarf

Talk about epic goatees, yikes! Overall I like the model, it’s got all the hallmarks of Skarbrand, the tattered wings from Khorne’s beatdown, the twin axes, and the slayer pose. Perhaps he will come with several head or weapon options as well, unlike the Celestant prime.


Skarbrand the Exile $135

Plastic Kit

Over 6″ tall

Large oval base


Here’s the latest on his rumored rules as well.

via an anonymous reader on Faeit 9-18-2015

Next week’s White Dwarf contains rules for both the Age of Sigmar and 40k!

40k Rules-
Skarbrand is a HQ MC with a BS and WS of 10, S and T of 6 and 5 wounds with a 3+ sv
Bellow of Endless Fury S5 template no ap
Gives Range and Hatred to all units friend or foe within 12″
Two axes that are AP2 each. One has Fleshbane, the other Armourbane.
Just over 200pts
Now that puts only one more White Dwarf in between the leaked Tau issue #89 and Skarbrand. Will we see the Tau Stormsurge revealed in next week’s issue #88?

Age of Sigmar/ Chaos Roundup


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