Skaven Stormfiends are Hulking Abominations

skaven-wal-title-horSkaven Stormfiends are injected with Warpstone to transform them into some of the scariest beasts they have to offer- check it out!

The twisted minds of the Skryre Clans are known for their dark technology. However, Warpstone spewing Ratling guns and back flaying Doomwheels are tame compared to Stormfiends.

In the World

StormfiendsTaken from the Rat Ogors stocks of the Moulder clans to serve the Skryres. Stormfiends are directly injected with Warpstone and have powerful armour and weapons fused to their skin. All in a bid to make the ultimate rat weapon built for destruction and terror. These horrific monsters are unleashed by the Skaven when any notion of stealth is thrown out of the window. Men, walls, and monsters are nothing but mere obstacles for Stormfiends.

For the untrained eye, Stormfiends are nothing more than Rat Ogors with some extra death-dealing attachments. Just dumb beasts with no coordination and made just to destroy and die. However, Stormfiends have something their more basic brethren lack: a second brain. Just not in the way you’d think. It is a gruesome surgery where a second “brain-Skaven” is sutured to the back of the Stormfiend, fused together by a network of tubing and wires. The brain-Skaven’s only purpose is to guide the Stormfiend’s anger and fury, all whilst slowly withering away themselves.

The wits they achieve from their brain-Skaven, combined with their immense size, resilience and fury makes Stormfiends a sight to behold on the battlefield. They have a massive arsenal at their disposal geared towards any kind of combat. Often the mere sight of one of these behemoths is enough to rout inexperienced enemies. Who are then of course still gunned down or smashed to bits by the Stormfiend. They have the strength to easily crumble walls and barge down towers, making place for their lesser kin to storm in and finish the job.

On the Feild

skaven horde AoS 2.0 Taking Clan Skryre to 2000 PointsOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Stormfiends are a battleline option for a Skaven army comprised of Clan Skryre units. With a powerful 6 wounds and 4+ save they are absolute tanks compared to the more common Skaven units. They of course make up for this by being a lot more expensive, clocking in at 260 points per 3 models. Due to their hulking size and power, they are a target of opportunity for most enemy armies. It is best to protect them with screening units while they close in.

Stormfiends have many weapons they can take into battle, all-powerful in their own way. Ratling Cannons are a mighty 3D6 attack weapon that can spew death. Windlaunchers on the other hand have a large 24″ range, -3 rend and D3 damage to burn through enemy armour. Warpfire Projectors act differently: you roll a dice for each model within 8″, on a 4+ they suffer a mortal wound. When it comes to melee weapons: Doomflayer Gauntlets charge in with 2D3 attacks, D3 damage and a -2 rend. Grinderfists allow the Stormfiends to stay in reserve, appearing later in the battle. They also deal a powerful punch with 4 attacks and a -2 rend. Shock Gauntlets on the other hand only deal -1 rend. Clubbing Blows finally, acts the same as the previous gauntlets but doesn’t have any rend to speak of.

The most interesting part of Stormfiend units is their set weapon load-outs. Each third of a unit has a completely unique set of weapons it can choose from. The first third can be armed with Warpfire Projectors and Clubbing Blows or Windlaunchers and Clubbing Blows. The second third can be armed with Grinderfists or Ratling Cannons and Clubbing Blows. The last third can be armed with Doomflayer Gauntlets and Warpstone-laced Armour or Shock Gauntlets and Warpstone-laced Armour. This powerful armour gives the model an extra wound.

Stormfiends are possibly Skryre’s most wicked inventions yet.

Learn More About Skaven Stormfiends Here!