Slaves to Darkness Eternus, Blade of the First Prince

age-of-sigmar-slaves-to-darkness-ogoridsWe saw the Slaves to Darkness Eternus, Blade of the First Prince last week, but GW just revealed a bunch of details and rules about the mini!

Thankfully to some leaks, we’ve actually already spotted the rules for this mini, so it’s nice to see some non-photato pics of it as well. They also revealed a rule that matches up quite nicely with the new stuff we’ve seen, so we expect the rest of the rules to be pretty spot on.

Warhammer Community revealed the mini, but if you want to see all the Slaves to Darkness reveals from NOVA, you can check out all those here. Let’s get into the new mini!

Slaves to Darkness Eternus Blade of the First Prince Rules!

The Blade of the First Prince was once one of Archaon’s Varanguard – a champion of the Eighth Circle known as Atarus. When he renounced Archaon at the feet of the Dark Master, he was thrust into lightning-wracked Cursed Skies that swirl with the souls of slain Stormcast Eternals, unable to return to Azyr. There he was burned alive by this divine lighting, only to be revived by Be’lakor – who breathed those trapped souls into him. 

Slaves to Darkness

Reborn as Eternus, this warrior pays for his immortality with undying fealty to Be’lakor. Yet this gift may be plucked from the so-called lord of traitors just as quickly as it was conferred – so Eternus wages a desperate campaign to keep his master satisfied, using spies and covert agents to further Be’lakor’s plan to usurp Archaon as the Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse

The model itself is really cool and captures the classic feel of Chaos with plenty of detail and newer options. Obviously, any Chaos model on a horse (a daemon horse in this case) with an axe will bring up thoughts of Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer, but hey, it’s an amazing piece of art, so that’s not a bad thing.

Blade of the first prince

Those not turned by his unnaturally-persuasive words are put to death in battle. Atop the mighty Drakocephalus, clad in armour stripped of the colours of the Everchosen and armed with a deathglaive and skull flail, the Blade of the First Prince crushes any who may oppose the will of his Dark Master.

He has some serious weaponry, and his mount looks deadly in its own right! Just look at those giant teeth.

Eteruns, Blade of the First Prince Rules

Blade of the first prince 2

If by some turn of fate Eternus is slain, he is reborn in the foul storm-shroud of Be’lakor’s Cursed Skies before returning in a blast of obsidian energy, his crackling Veins of Black Lightning a cruel parody of the Heldenhammer’s chosen warriors. 

This is pretty insane, as most rules bring characters back with only a few wounds; this gives him all the wounds! Plus, you can set him up anywhere more than 9″ away. Lastly, it looks like you can do this every turn, as it doesn’t say once per battle; it just says at the end of your movement phase.

So be sure to rush him in and get back to fighting soon!

eternus rules slaves to darknessThese are the leaked rules from Reddit, and you can see the GW rules preview matches perfectly, so we expect these to be quite close. He has plenty of attacks, wounds, and movement. Plus, he makes a great accompaniment to Be’Lakor as he can consistently score command points and just run around the battlefield dealing damage, then come back to life!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about all the new Eternus rules for Slaves to Darkness ? Will you be picking Eternus up when he drops? 

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