Soldiers of Fortune Reinforcements Swoop In

Thomas Wayne FeatureGotham just got safer- The Soldiers of Fortune reinforcements have arrived to help keep the city under control and free from constant crime.

The Batman Miniature Game is super fun and Knight Models have been pumping out the minis and packs for it lately! Today the Soldiers of Fortune have come to help the Bat take down the enemies of Gotham.

They are also running some great deals on their site at the moment. So if you’ve been thinking about getting into the game, now’s your chance! Let’s take a closer look at the minis.

Soldiers of Fortune: $133.88

batman-miniature-game-soldiers-of-fortune-reinforces-packThe pack comes with a ton of cool minis! You get everything from Thomas Wayne to Deathstroke. If you love Knight Models, go check what else they have to offer.

Card Pack Soldiers of FortuneNo pack would be complete without the cards to go with it! These give you all the stats and info you need to play every character in the set.

Gentleman Ghost

Gentleman GhostHe’s no ordinary gentleman! He is as objective as anyone can be, he’s not even alive after all!

Clock King

Clock KingA master of time unlike any other. He understands how to control the world with a thought. But what would you expect? He has a clock for a head.

Thomas Wayne

Thomas WayneWhen the times get tough, you bring in Papa. It’s so awesome to be able to play Thomas Wayne and the model is just amazing!

Malicia and Infiltrator

InfiltratorThis duo has it all, power, grace, and stealth. Whether you need some serious muscle to complete a mission, or something a little sneakier. These ladies have you covered!


DeathstrokePossibly the best combat specialist to ever grace the world. If he is after you, you might as well just turn yourself in. The fate if catches you is far worse.

That does it for this awesome pack! Don’t wait around and miss out on the deals they are running! We’ll see you in Gotham.

Soldiers of Fortune