Soulblight Gravelords Blood Knights AoS Rules REVEALED!

soulblight-gravelords-vampires-title2Get ready to ride down your enemy as GW previewed some Blood Knights AoS rules for the upcoming Battletome- check it out!

Warhammer Community just previewed a whole host of rules for the undead cavalry. They show the warscroll, special abilities, and dynasty rules. If you were wondering what they could do, well, this gives you a great idea of everything they are capable of.

Blood Knight Feature rWith the faction getting so many new minis, they really are feeling like a totally revamped army. It’s always great to see some armies this old get a bit of a rework, but let’s hope you get to use these rules for at least a little while before AoS 3.0 comes out. Let’s get into the rules!

If you missed the reveal for the first installment of rules be sure to check them out here.

Soulblight Blood Knights AoS Rules Previewed

Blood Knights rulesWith the perfect balance of speed and hitting power, even small units of this elite vampiric cavalry are sure to prove their worth in blood. Their distinctive heavy plate armour and barding grant them fantastic protection, while 3 Wounds and a whopping 10 Bravery ensure they’re still in the saddle when it’s time to get stuck in.

With 3 wounds, a 3+ save, and a 10″ move these will be a terror on the battlefield! Not to mention they get 6 attacks (including the mounts) so they will be a very durable hard-hitting unit. The choice of weapons is totally cosmetic as both the lances and swords do the exact same thing. So you can just equip them however you want.

Blood Knights rules 1Every unit gets one champion no matter their size (one unit can include up to 15 Blood Knights), and you can take more than one Standard Bearer as a bit of insurance. If nothing else, all those pennants streaming behind them will look very intimidating. 

They don’t have a ton of options, but nothing wrong with a simple unit that hits hard and lives through it all!


Blood Knights rules 2Their heavy Nightmare steeds baulk at nothing, trampling over all but the largest of enemies when bidden. Have an opponent that likes to hide the juicy targets behind cheap screening units? They might as well not bother.

This is honestly a pretty sweet rule! It’s almost like getting a free eviscerating fly-by and ignoring small screening units. Your opponent will have to think much harder about how they screen their important units while these are on the board.

Blood Knights rules 3This makes sense and is pretty sweet. Which puts their 3 attacks at damage 2 instead of one. If you need to take something big down, make sure you charge it!

Blood Knights rules 4This is pretty useful if you have a knight left on a single wound, you can pretty easily heal it back up to full as long as they manage to kill a single model.

Choosing a Dynasty

Blood Knights rules 5Because of their need for mobility, combined with their knightly bearing, Kastelai armies are often entirely mounted. Since they can take Blood Knights as Battleline units, there’s no excuse not to load up on them. 

If you want a ton of Knights, well, Kastelai is the choice for you. You can also keep some Blood Knights in reserve with this dynasty and come out and surprise your opponent. There will be 5 dynasties you can pick from in the book, but this is the only one they showed today.

Blood Knights rules 6This is pretty awesome! If you can get the trifecta on your Vampire units, they will be really buff. Still, even if you can just grab one, it will make them way better for the rest of the game.

What do you think about the rules previewed so far? Will you be picking them up?

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