Soulblight Gravelords Blood Knights: Unboxing & Build

Blood Knight feature rThe Soulblight Gravelords Blood Knights have arrived at the studio, check out Rob’s latest unboxing and review of the newest box!

We’re back unboxing the newest addition to Aos! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models compared to other minis, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them.

We are going to show you everything including the bits, size comparisons, and everything included. That way you can decide if this box is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Editor’s Note: The box is of course going for a premium right now as supply has outstripped demand.  There are currently some on eBay as well as Amazon, but they are not near retail price, unfortunately.

Soulblight Gravelords Blood Knights: Unboxing & Build

Get Yours For Less From Amazon or Dicehead Games!

blood Knights boxRob had to drive a couple of hours to drive to get these because everything was so allocated. They were $60 when they came out, let’s hope they are restocked soon!


blood Knights instructionsYou can equip them with either the lance or the swords, but they will do the same thing either way. The horses are broken down into two halves and look pretty easy to build, but are not ETB, with no nubs anywhere.

blood Knights instructions 2You get 5 different models in the kit, with each steed having a much different feel. Nothing seems too crazy in the instructions with no real issues spotted yet.


blood Knights sprue


blood Knights sprue 2The sprues look really crisp and there is a ton of embossing on everything. The swords do look pretty fiddly, but hopefully nothing too annoying. Overall the bits look great, but there are going to be a lot of lines to cut off because they are not the ETB style.

Built Minis

blood Knights builtThe standard-bearer is a really striking model and looks awesome when built! The one issue is the shields, if they are out in the open, they don’t feel super strong, so when you’re picking it up, you could easily grab it by the shield and knock it off.

blood Knights built 2Even just the regular knights are very great looking and all the heads are really cool!

blood Knights built 3The nice thing is, you can mix and match the weapons because they all do the same thing in the game.

blood Knights built 4


blood Knights built 5The Castellan is the coolest by far! Just look at the giant mace and the head, this mini is hard to beat.

Size Comparison

blood Knights siz compThey stand a decent amount taller than a Stormcast and will tower over most armies out there. Very close to Varanguard height.

Overall, they are great-looking minis, but the only problem right now is actually getting them!

Get Your Blood Knights Here

What do you think of the new box? Were you able to pick one up?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.