SPOTTED – English Rules For Archaon’s Knights

By Rob Baer | December 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Gitty-up new pics of Archaon’s super knights rule’s are here! Plus we got the Battletome Everchosen and some of the most expensive models we’ve ever seen!

No need for translators – here comes the CHAOS!

Via Captain Citadelc750ef2c-260b-496a-96ef-c19cd7cfe2ef


77224f3a-f4dd-42fe-9b2f-07d0d4a7c4b6 c1181c93-1000-4e4f-97ad-1b073bfe6962

These new Chaos Knights look pretty good, and their rules walk the walk too. Question is how bad ass do you have to be to sell $33 calvary models?

Battletome Everchosen & Knight Discussion

Who’s getting the new super cavalry?