SPOTTED – New Tau Army Rules From Mont’ka

By Rob Baer | November 23rd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau walpaper crisis

More rules are here for the BIG Bad Tau from the new Mont’ka supplement! Come see what everyone’s talking about!

Via Scanner

tau 3

Is this a campaign rule, or something like the Mirror codex perhaps?

tau 2

Whooo weee 4x the ripple fire melta goodness. Hot damn!



Get a Collar of Khorne for your finest Tau today! (P.S. Side effects vary, but equipped Tau will be a lot more angrier, and develop new habits like bloodletting…)

tau 1

Who is this supposed to be for, Tau or Imperials?


Seems like there’s a TON of fresh new rules coming out way soon in Mont’ka. Personally I cant wait to see crisis suit armies back on the table top to get those hobby juices flowing again. There’s so many suits to choose from now as well, it’s TAU-RIFFIC!

Checkout the rest of Farsight’s and the new Tau rules BELOW!

Mont’ka Tau Rules Roundup

Dynamic Re-Entry in 3,2,1….

Episode 27 – Gamer’s Bill of Rights