SPOTTED – Tau Mont’Ka Book New Pics

By Rob Baer | November 20th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The might of the Imperium looks to on the way to Agrellan, and it may be the Tau that experience a killing blow this time. Come see Pask VS Longstrike even!

via SS (Advanced Tau Tactica) 11-19-2015mont'ka-cover


Looks like the Imperium is back and looking for payback!




Dethachment, Warlord Traits, Wargear and Objectives for:

  • Farsight Enclaves
  • Cadians

So just as we saw Raven Guard and White Scars get the love, again we will see a campaign slipcover set that basically gives the 40K community 2 mini-codexes.

Then we will get new datasheets for the Baneblade family and things such as The Eight.



Assassins (with new rules) hunting Etherials.  It’s getting serious now.



And the armoured might of the Astra Militarum vs the tech of the Tau. It’s like a sequel to the Taros Campaign.

It looks like if you bought Kauyon, Mont’ka is pretty much a must-buy.  I’m particularly interested in what the Cadian Detachment rules will be.

New Tau Releases Roundup

~One will stand, one WILL fall!