Fill Your 40k Game Table With A Battle Ready Terrain Box

battle ready Terrain Wasteland featureSquad Marks Battle Ready Terrain boxes set up quickly and come in several different themes that are all perfect for Warhammer 40k!

Are you looking for pre-painted magnetized terrain sets that are perfect for your favorite tabletop wargames like Warhammer 40k? Look no further than Squad Marks! Their Battle Ready Terrain sets are easy to assemble and take up minimal space, making them a great addition to any gaming table.  Choose from themes like the Cathedral and Cyber City sets, and use the promo code SPIKEYBITS to save 10% off your order.

Battle Ready Terrain Wasteland Set: $124

Get 10% off your order using promo code: SPIKEYBITS

battle ready Terrain WastelandWith everything in such an easy-to-carry box, you can’t go wrong with this. It’s always nice to have some different terrain when you need to go somewhere or not take up entire cabinets in your house!

If you’re playing in the Wasteland, you know there will be plenty of ruined buildings. With them being magnetized, you can keep the floors off. Or throw them on.

Here are all the specs on this set:

Squad Marks Battle Ready Terrain is a complete table set of flat pack and durable pre-decorated terrain for tabletop wargames, including Warhammer, Infinity, Legion, MCP, and more!

battle ready Terrain Wasteland 3

Each box set contains all of the terrain pieces included you need to play, which can be ready in seconds!

battle ready Terrain Wasteland 4

Each Set includes Wasteland themed:

  • 2 x 3-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 2 x 2-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 2 x 1-Story Building Sections (Removable floors, doors & windows)
  • 4 x Crates
  • 4 x Double Side Area Terrain Mats (Soil & Cratered sides)
  • 8 x Trees
  • 1 x Carry Carton with handle
  • Carry Carton Dimensions: 16 in (406mm) L x 9 in (229mm) W x 6 in (153mm) H

Battle Ready Terrain Options

They also have several different theme options if you’re not feeling the wasteland vibe!

Either way, their Battle Ready Terrain sets are easy to assemble, take up minimal space, and are perfect for Warhammer 40k and other tabletop wargames. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to upgrade your game table. Visit Squad Marks’ website today to get your hands on these awesome terrain sets.  

Click Here to Get Your Battle Ready Terrain!

Don’t forget to use the promo code: SPIKEYBITS to save 10%