Squat Prospectors Skalvian Explorator Coming Soon to Necromunda!

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator Feature Ironhead-Squat-Prospectors-Skalvian-Explorator-Coming-Soon-to-Necromunda!

The Ironhead Squat Prospectors are getting three new kits, including the new Skalvian Explorator vehicle for Necromunda!

It’s been a while since we’ve seen the Squats of Necromunda get a big support wave of models. Not only are they getting a ridiculous new vehicle (ridiculous in a good way), but there are two other kits on the way as well.

Just keep in mind, that these will all be from Forge World, so that means resin. While working with resin isn’t terrible, it generally does mean higher cost. So, nothing too out of the ordinary, but something to think about if you’re going to get these minis or not.

Ironhead Squat Prospectors Skalvian Explorator Coming Soon to Necromunda!

The latest on the new Ironhead Squat Prospectors Skalvian Explorator Necromunda models comes from Warhammer Community.

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator

… the Squats don’t use Ridgehaulers to transport their precious cargoes. They have their own vehicles: huge, tracked crawlers that wend their way across vast distances, bursting with goods, chems, and the other spoils of their shadowy empire.

These are the Skalvian Explorators, the workhorses of the Squat holds. They are hard to crack – nearly impervious to small-arms fire with its Toughness of 7, which is ramped up to a formidable 9 against shots to the front – and relatively rapid with a 6” Move. 

This is pretty wild-looking and feels like the Necromunda version of the Votann vehicles. Even though they are long lost from each other, it makes sense they would think the same in a certain way.

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator 2

Their Ironhead Claw can destroy obstacles and flimsy structures without damaging the vehicle itself. On top of that, they have a transport bed along either side of the hull and two weapon hardpoints – mounting those juicy Ironhead flamers and heavy stubbers. 

If you’re going through the Ash Wastes, you want something with a giant claw to get obstacles out of your way! There does look to be some fiddly parts on this model, so let’s hope the resin cast is good on this one.

Orrin & Urson

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator 3

That’s not it for Squat reinforcements in the upcoming third volume detailing the Aranthian Succession. There are two exclusive Hired Guns coming as well – Orrin and Urson Grimjarl are among the last survivors of Jardlan, a Squat hold destroyed under mysterious circumstances. 

This guy’s weapon has all the tubes you could want, so it better be strong!

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator 4

Orrin is a House Agent armed to the teeth, his status as Last Charter Lord of Jardlan affording him access to a fractal pulse beamer, an extra-deadly inferno pistol, and a Techmite Exovator.

GW has been loving the companions lately, and Orrin gets a cool little wheeled robot!

Necromunda Skalvian Explorator 5

His younger brother Urson is more of a lone wolf, a Bounty Hunter with a souped up longshot hunting rifle that does 2 Damage at Strength 5 – with Rapid Fire (1) and Rending to boot! He’s accompanied by Techmite Occuli on his quest to hunt down the nomads of the ash wastes who destroyed his home.

Urson’s hunting rifle is pretty good, and he has a spotter robot, so he should always get his target!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Will you be picking up any of the new Ironhead Squat Prospectors releases like the Skalvian Explorator releases for Necromunda? 

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