Star Wars: Legion Separatist & Republic Specialists Incoming

legion releases jan 2021Separatist & Republic Specialists are on the way to reinforce your Star Wars: Legion forces- check out the new kits from FFG.

If you’ve been waiting to get into the game, now is the time! Come on, you love Star Wars, might as well play it on the tabletop. If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. Star Wars: Legion is just a really fun game and with all the additions, each game will have even more flavor.

Fantasy Flight Games revealed some really new units this week! Both the Separatists and the Republic are getting reinforcements this time around in the form of specialists. While having normal troops is great, every army can benefit from a few more specialized troopers. Let’s jump into the new minis!

Republic Specialists:

Republic SeparatistsThese guys do not mess around! When they are sent in for a job, you know it’s getting done! If you love everything Star Wars: Legion, check out what else is going on with it.

Republic SpecialistsThe minis look amazing and the posing on them is so dynamic. You can never go wrong with great looking minis.

Republic Specialists cardsLike with all of their releases, you get a bunch of cards to make them play differently and give them different abilities. This allows each game to have a different feel, even with the same armies.

Separatist Specialists:

separatistsThis set brings a whole new realm of tactics into the army. With some cheap options to lead your armies, you can add in more of the cool units you love.

separatists 2The minis in this set all look awesome and really have a great feel.

separatists cardsThe T-Series Tactical Droid is a super cheap and great option to fill out a commander role. But you also get cards to employ all the great new tactics this set brings.

That does it for this one! Some super fun and cool units to add to your forces.

Get Your Separatist & Republic Specialists Here!