Star Wars Legion & X-Wing Organized Play Kits Announced!

x-wing Legion Organized Play sets featureThere will be two new Star Wars Legion & X-Wing Organized Play Kits coming from Atomic Mass Games soon- check it out!

If you’ve been waiting for new kits, well, they will be on the way soon as they look to be putting them out at AdeptiCon. There will be one kit for each game, so not the biggest reveal ever, but still way better than nothing!

The one thing to note, before you get too upset, is Sense did just hit the ban list. And… that is one of the cards in the set, so we’re not sure what to make of that. Still, they are pretty cool sets, and who knows, maybe they will take Sense off the banned list or change it. Let’s take a closer look at the sets!

Star Wars Legion & X-Wing Organized Play Kits Announced!

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x-wing Legion Organized Play setsIf you don’t know exactly what these are, they are used for local stores to actually run their own tournaments! This kit really has some great stuff inside, so pretty cool to see them coming out. Since they are designed for tournaments, there is actually some stuff players can win, including these cards. So if you want to ramp up your tourneys and make your players happy, this is the way to go! Here’s what they have to say about the preview.

Get a preview of the upcoming Unnatural Resources Organized Play Kit for #StarWarsLegion at Adepticon 2022!

It looks like these will actually be used at AdeptiCon, so that’s awesome to see!

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x-wing Legion Organized Play sets 6This is the one we were talking about with a banned card inside. So we’re not really sure what to make of it, still a pretty cool set overall. We’ll have to see if they make any changes to the card inside or actually take it off the list.

That does it for this one, overall just a super cool release.

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