Star Wars Online Sales Lockdown – FFG’s New Policy

By Rob Baer | December 23rd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

death star firing star wars

The end is nigh for the deep discounting of Fantasy Flight Games products like Star Wars X-wing, Armada and more. Come see how much you’ll have to pay soon!

Depending who you ask the deep discounting of FFG’s products is either the best or worst thing that’s happened to the tabletop hobby in the last 3-4 years. Obviously it’s an issue for most brick and mortar stores, but a blessing to players who are trying to save a buck.

Well it looks like FFG is about to take a bite out of online selling PERMANENTLY!

According to ICv2 who interviewed the new CEO Christian Petersen:

Online sales and mail order will be prohibited with exceptions granted for online retailers that “contribute either significant scale, unique service, or other exceptional differentiation,” the company said.  Those sales will take place under separate terms of sale from the Specialty Retail terms.

So it looks like they are specifically targeting the deep discounters and allowing the ones that respect their brand via “significant scale, unique service, or other exceptional differentiation” to continue providing selling online.

Rewind back to 2003 when many online retailers were selling Games Workshop for up to 40% off retail, and you can draw some interesting parallels to this new policy.

However I like how they are still remaning open minded about their sales channels: “The marketplace has long been distorted by providing one-size-fits-all sales terms to every retail account, regardless of its channel of sale,” something that a certain company in Nottingham should perhaps take note of.

Overall it may prove to be good news for building up a loyal player base in stores for 2016, who may see tons of new players on the Star Wars side of game play via the new movie that just opened last week.

Would you prefer a different target, a military one? THEN NAME THE SYSTEM!


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