Star Wars Shatterpoint Objective Mats are Shockingly Cheap

Shatterpoint Objective Mats featureMats by Mars has over 70 new Star Wars Shatterpoint Objective Mats available right now to make your games far better!

Mats By Mars has a ton of amazing mats for dozens of games, but if you’re looking for Shatterpoint specifically, they have over 70 options! Meaning you can take your battles to any locale you could want.

We won’t be able to show you everything they have to offer, but in any environment, you want the battle to take place in, they have you covered. They also have a ton of different overlays, meaning you can get mats with pre-marked objectives, grids, squares, or pretty much anything else. Let’s take a closer look!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Objective Mats are Here!

Shatterpoint Objective Mats


Shatterpoint Objective Mats 2They have over eight pages of different mats, so if you can’t find one you like, we’re not sure what to do! We’ll look at some of our favorites but know there are way more than this.

Swallowing Sand Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat: $39.50

Shatterpoint Objective Mats 3

Civilization fades, as the desert’s wrath devours what is his in our Sandy Cobbles setting. This combination of urban and rural elements combine with a desicated desert landscape to provide an eye catching backdrop for sure to heat up your next encounter!

Overlays:  Choose one of our optional subtle measurement overlays to make your games seamless and clear to all players and observers. Blank mats are also available! 

*Our mats are cut to exacting standards demanded by our customers. Every mat is cut to exactly the correct dimensions for home and tournament play. Our mats will not stretch or shrink over time. 

Green Hills Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat: $39.50

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The most quintessential gaming mat that fits all genres, games, and settings; the Green Meadow is the canvas on which your adventure begins! Whether the pastures fill with the sounds of blades, hooves, cannons, lasers, or tank treads, your deeds will forever change this peaceful place!

Urban Strike Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat: $39.50

Shatterpoint Objective Mats 5

When war comes to the heart of your metropolitan city center, who will win the rights to history?! Will freedom be won? The rebels crushed? or will chaos rule the day?! Take to the streets on Urban Strike!

Click Here to Get Your Shatterpoint Objective Mats!