Star Wars X-Wing: Imperial Raider Finally Arrives!


The Imperial Raider should be on shelves before the end of the week. It’s been a long road to the release, but never tell FFG the odds!

Imperial Raider Big Box

That’s right, the new Imperial Raider should be in stores within days, if not as you’re reading this.

Rebel players now have some competition in the big ship department, let’s take a look:


The Imperial Raider isn’t just a plain ol’ ship expansion pack. This bad boy is designed for Epic & Mission based play. So if you’re looking to up your game of X-Wing with some new missions or a new way to play check out this Expansion. Let’s here it direct from FFG:

The Will of the Empire campaign follows the captain of a Raider-class corvette charged with testing the prototype TIE Advanced in the wild, lawless sectors of the Outer Rim. It consists of five different missions, but you won’t play through all of them in a single campaign. As the Raider’s crew seeks to recover from an early Rebel ambush, the results of one mission influence the next, and the situation becomes increasingly desperate for either the Rebels or Imperials.

Additionally, all the expansion’s missions offer a nice change of pace from the game’s standard conflicts. Each introduces its own unique objectives and set of rules. Simultaneously, you need to record all the casualties you suffer in a match, so you can’t afford to recklessly deploy your best pilots or shuttle Emperor Palpatine about the table without a proper escort. The resulting experience is one that moves away from the game’s standard dogfights to approximate the flow of an ongoing war, one in which your forces are deployed to engage the enemy for a few critical skirmishes.

We’ll be sure to get ours shortly, but in the meantime our friends at BoLS got their early and have unboxed it already.

Checkout it out below!

And if you want to get some ideas of how to use the Raider (specifically the TIE upgrades…which are SOOOO good) we also did a breakdown video as well:


X-Wing: Imperial Raider Expansion Pack




Conventional wisdom said the this big guy would hit after GenCon – and here it comes! It’s a good time to play X-Wing.

You are in command now, Admiral Piett.