Starting an AoS Path to Glory Campaign in the New Year

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesHere are a bunch of tips on starting an AoS Path to Glory Campaign and kickstart your new hobby year right- check them out!

Today I want to talk about starting a Path to Glory campaign for Age of Sigmar 3.0. It is a fantastic way to get people onto the tabletop quickly and adds a fun after battle mechanic. I would recommend trying to get 4 or more people into your campaign, but if it is only 2 that is ok as well, as even in the games I have played against the same opponent with the order of battle the forces differ a lot. Before starting though here is some tips to get started.

Starting an AoS Path to Glory Campaign in the New Year

Path to Glory Sigmar

  • First, you and another experienced player should go through a battle and after sequence together first before starting the campaign. That way when the questions arise (and they will) you will have some firsthand knowledge to answer them. It will also help you navigate the tricky bits once or twice before everyone gets the hang of it.
  • Second, don’t get too attached to your units and you will be swapping them in and out of battle as they take casualties, and you fight opponents of varying power. After each battle hero’ can die, units can lose models and need to rest to get back to full strength, or your opponent might have different points total for their army that forces you to adjust. This brings us to the third point.
  • Don’t play a beat face army as it is no fun for anyone in these kinds of games. Path to Glory is very much about narrative play and encouraging army growth over time. I am currently playing my Nighthaunt army just because they haven’t seen the tabletop in a while, and I forgot how awesome they look on the table. It also makes you think differently when running units that you normally would take in your best army. Some of the coolest-looking models might not be the best, but they are still fun to use on the tabletop.
  • The fourth step is a painting one, in that encourage yourself to take units that are not painted and have them painted by months end (or something similar) I put out a bunch of grey plastic on my first game, which I haven’t done in ages, and it made me really want to get those guys painted. Also maybe offer some sort of most painted or best-painted award to the group at the end, like a token they can use once per game to re-roll a dice or something. Keep it simple but fun.
  • Finally, be aware not everyone is going to be able to grow their force as quickly as everyone else due to time and money constraints so don’t get discouraged if they need to use proxies or you need to play lower-level games against them. It’s narrative so it’s not like every battle is going to be fair anyways.

Tips for Running a Campaign

stormcasts dominion previewThat’s some of the things you should consider before starting a path to glory, it took me a minute to wrap my head around subbing units in and out but once I got used to that I started to have fun with my list building. Now here are 5 tips I would offer up for running a campaign.

  • Pick a Host and Co-Host for the campaign to help with record-keeping and answering questions your players may have. It helps to have a second person available to keep track of things or answer questions if you are too busy to check your phone. We use a text chain for all of us, so that if there is a question usually someone can chime in with an answer, if it is in the after-battle sequence and neither opponent knows we have them go through everything and then get back to them with a correction when we can.
  • Use an online Path to Glory tracker in something like Google Drive to keep track of everything which makes it super easy for everyone to manage everything. Then each person has their own tab for an army of battle tracking, but if you want to make it public for everyone so that you can view what your opponent might or might not be bringing, we allow that too. Having it all online also decreases any mistakes that might be made if there are things crossed out or erased etc.
  • I would recommend only using the core rules for Path to Glory rules unless all players have newer Age of Sigmar books that contain the updated Path to Glory rules. The reason being is that it makes it unfair if someone doesn’t have the additional rules it makes it a little bit harder to balance everything.
  • When playing don’t try and juggle having everyone play everyone every week, just let the games play out as they can. Everyone is going to have different schedules with their jobs, school, kids, etc. if two people can get together for a game even if they had just played each other let them play. The great thing about Path to Glory is that it allows games between people with large armies and smaller ones to play out.
  • Don’t worry too much about table size to start with, yes shoot for a 4 by 4 for 1000 point and under games, but when you are playing 500–600-point games it’s not a deal-breaker to have something a little smaller. Just be ready that when you get to 1000 points your going to want to have the 4 by 4 table or something close to it. Especially when you get above that you’re going to need the larger table sizes.

There you have it some Path to Glory tips for the New Year to help get your campaign off the ground. We started our just after Halloween and have been having a blast with it as a much different play style than the traditional matched play games. You could even try out some of the older narrative games from the Age of Sigmar 1.0 books if you have access to them to spice things up a bit.

If you’re looking for a new army to play in the new year, this post breaks down all the Warhammer box set options out there so you can find the right fit for you money-wise and by faction!

combat-patrol-pricing-and-value-warhammer-40kClick Here For The Warhammer Box Sets With The Best Value


More AoS How-To For Beginners & Veteran Players!

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