Stop Losing Small Parts to the Ground With the Bitz Bib

Bitz Bib feature rWe’ve all been there, you’re building a mini, then next thing you know, the pieces disappear into the void, save yourself with the Bitz Bib!

Squad Marks is generally known for its super helpful basing and transport options. Well, now they’re giving us another helpful little item to make our hobbying better and the chances of losing bits that much less! You could also use this for your beard trimming as well, so a little bit of a double win there.

Because if you’ve ever trimmed a beard over a sink, you know just how annoying cleaning up all that hair can be.

While this isn’t a new mini, hey, anything that makes modeling better, we’re all for it. Especially for you poor souls out there who hobby over a carpet. Once that bit has been given to the carpet gods, there’s not much chance of rescue.

Bitz Bib: $12.99

Bitz BibLet’s hear what they have to say about the new product:

Ever drop those tiny pieces when building models and spend the next 10 minutes on the ground searching? Ever get a little to crazy with the Agrax Earthshade and get it all over your new Star Wars T-Shirt? Well the Squad Marks Bitz Bib is the product for you!

Bitz Bib 4Made of light weight water proof fabric the Bitz Bib uses the included suction cups or any other hook to attach to your table and keeps a protective barrier between you hobby. Need to get up in the middle of a hobby session? The Squad Mark Bitz Bib has a convenient velcro next attachment to allow you to easily remove and leave at your hobby table.

Bitz Bib 3Let’s see everything you get in the kit:

  • 1 x Bitz Bib
  • 1 x Drawstring Bag
  • 2 x Suction Cups

That does it for this one, just a cool little product to help your hobby.

Get Your Bib Here!