Stormcast Knight-Questors are Champions With a Task

Stormcast Knight-Questors answer directly to Sigmar himself, for they have a particular task to fulfil for Mankind.

If you’re a bit of a loaner, these might just be your favorite unit in the army! As they live and fight for nothing other than to fulfill their goal, no matter what else happens. Get out your best suit of armor and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Each Stormhost of Stormcast Eternals have a large variety of members, from staunch Liberators to Dracoth riding Fulminators. The one thing they all have in common is a hierarchy. They all follow their commanders’ orders to the letter when it comes to waging war. However, each Stormhost has a few often-lonesome warriors who act outside of this structure. The Knight-Questors answer only to Sigmar directly, for they have been given a specific task by the God-King to fulfil. They live and fight with only their given task in mind and will stop at nothing to complete.

Knight-Questors are technically officers in their Stormhosts, able to command their fellow warriors. However, the nature of the tasks given to a Knight-Questor often demands them to leave their comrades behind. Their tasks often ask that they venture deep into the Mortal Realms where danger and peril are everywhere.

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Every Knight-Questor is on a unique task given by Sigmar. Some might join an army to slay a specific enemy, others might have to venture far and wide to collect an item or deliver a message. None know what the purpose of their task is, only that they need to do it. When they return from their given quest, they’re often given a new one right away.

Because of their uncountable years of experience from countless quests, Knight-Questors are amongst the most powerful Stormcast Eternals. They might carry standard weapons and wear the usual Stormcast armours but have the strength and wisdom worth ten of their common brethren. Each Knight-Questor is also wholly unique because of their given tasks. Some might carry a Sigmarite Shield and Questor Warblade whilst others prefer powerful glaives or hammers. They are all attuned to their weapons like no other and on the battlefield, they’re a force to be mindful of.

On The Field

knight-questorOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, a Knight-Questor is a leader unit for any Stormcast Eternal army. They cost only 100 points for a powerful 3+ save and 5 wounds. Thus, making them a stellar cheap leader option should your army require it. They have solid bravery of 8 so it’s very rare to see a Knight-Questor leave the field before their quest is done or they perish trying to accomplish it.

A standard Knight-Questor is armed with a Questor Warblade and Sigmarite shield. The former is a powerful and gifted blade. A Questor Warblade does 4 attacks and needs only a 3+ to hit and wound with a mighty -1 rend to boot. Furthermore, Knight-Questors can perform a Thundercharged Strike. With this ability, an unmodified wound roll of 6 deals doubles the damage. Moreover, their staple Sigmarite Shield allows them to re-roll any failed save rolls.

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The Knight-Questor has one special ability that sets them apart from other officers: Heroic Challenge. The Knight Questor will challenge an enemy hero to single combat. If the Knight-Questor is within 6″ of an enemy hero, they can add an extra 3″ to their pile-in move. If they end within 1″ of that enemy hero. Furthermore, the Knight-Questor can re-roll failed hit rolls made against enemy heroes. Allowing them to slay the mightiest of foes.

A Knight-Questor will never stop in the pursuit of their task.

Learn More About Stormcast Knight-Questors Here!