Summer Sale Alert: Only One Week Left to Grab 20% Off All Artel W Minis Now!

Artel W Summer Sale featureSave money (up to 20% off) and get some amazing exclusive minis, but there’s only one week left on the Artel W Summer Sale!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the most incredible minis out there! Of course, they couldn’t leave us without some awesome previews and new releases, which you can check out here.

All of their stuff is awesome, but at 20% (or 10% for bundles) off, it all gets even cooler! Obviously, this is a sale, so the prices won’t last forever. The sale is live now and will last for the next two weeks (it ends on the 29th), so don’t wait around and pay more!

Let’s take a closer look at the sale details.

Save 20% Off All Artel W Minis With the Summer Sale!

Artel W Summer SaleHere’s what they have to say about the sale:

Hi Awesome Ones!
Summer has come, and we are going to make it really hot! Artel’s traditional Summer Solstice Sale is extended this year and it’s starting right now 🙂
For the next two weeks you can enjoy not only solar heat and vibrant colours of nature but also lovely discounts at our online store: 20% off all Artel’s minis, squads and bits AND 10% of all bundles! Everyone’s welcome – and stay tuned because this is just a part of adventures we all are going to have this summer 🙂

You can save 20% off a ton of models from them right now, so if you want anything they have, now is the time! Now, let’s check out some of their most recent releases!

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad Ork Bikers Alterantives: $47.49

Wroom!Wroom! SkwadThis is the sale price, so don’t wait and pay more if you want them! Plus, they are cheaper than the alternative, so you might as well get some awesome minis and save some cash.

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad 2You can also grab some bigger bundles and save more cash with tons of bikers and chiefs.

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad 3Here are the specs on this set:

  • Mighty roahr ov our mighty enzheenf iz da mighty hymn ov War un` Iron!
  • WROOM! WROOM! – dat` da laft fin` u hear… exfept DAKKA! DAKKA! ov our gunz blazin… and moft probably CRAKK! CRAKK! ov ya stupid skull!
  • Sculpted by Alexander Vyazmikin
  • Miniatures for wargames, role-playing tabletops and collecting.
  • Scale: 28mm
  • Average Size: 51 mm total
  • The kit contains 64 parts for 3 miniatures, including 2 weapon options and 2 or 3 optional heads for each rider
  • Material: high quality resin.
  • Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 75x40mm bases included

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad Chief: $32.29

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad 4

  • ‘Ard to kammand diz brutal ladz like ma ridaz! Got ta be faztezt, biggezt and strongezt! Gotta rip ovv dere facez every day! An’ see, dey iz da bestezt, loudezt, mightiezt krew eva!
  • Sculpted by Alexander Vyazmikin
  • Miniature for wargames, role-playing tabletops and collecting.

Wroom!Wroom! Skwad 5

  • Scale: 28mm
  • Average Size: 27 mm to the eyes; 68 mm total
  • The kit contains 39 parts including 2 optional heads and 4 weapon options for the left hand

Darting Ospreys Cast: $49.99

Darting OspreysIf you want to go with these aspect warriors, you might as well get some minis that are cooler than the originals!

Darting Ospreys 2Here are the specs on these:

  • Collection/Faction: Starborn Ancients (Space Elves)
  • You’ll never know they’re somewhere near the battlefield… Until the sky over your head shatters into squads of swift aerial warriors and instant death rains from above!
  • Set of мiniatures for wargames, collecting, and role-playing games.
  • Consists of 84 parts for five Darting Ospreys Warriors and one Cast Leader, including 5 similar and 6 unique heads, optional torsos, and weapons for the Leader.
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov

Darting Ospreys 3

  • Scale: 28mm
  • Average Size: 59mm
  • Material: high-quality resin
  • Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 25mm bases included

Darting Ospreys Prime: $21.99

Darting Ospreys 4You’re going to need a leader, and here he is!

Darting Ospreys 5Here are the specs on this:

  • He is the Bearer of the Star Blade, and they call him Wind of Vengeance. He strikes from high above in a halo of lethal light, and his sword cuts its bloody swath on every battlefield…
  • Miniature for wargames, collecting, and role-playing games.
  • Consists of 20 parts, including 2 optional scenic bases
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov.
  • Scale: 28mm.
  • Size: 32 mm from the feet to the eyes; 73 mm total.
  • Material: high-quality resin.

Click Here to Get Your Models From Artel W!