GW Liquidates More Tau Units To Legends

tau legends gone but not forgottenThe Warhammer 40k Tau range took another hit as GW liquidated most of their Forge World units to Legends in 10th Edition.

Unfortunately, the Tau saw a big swathe of their units moving over to Legends. First, they lost some at the start of the 10th edition, and now, with their codex book release, nearly all their Forge World units are gone but not forgotten!

What Tau Forge World Moved To 40k Legends

The good news (if you can find it here) is that Games Workshop gave all the Tau units updated rules for moving to Legends. Remember, even if it’s in Legends, you can still use them in most games, just not in official GW tournaments.

Let’s start with what’s moving to Legends for the Tau, then jump into points and the new rules.

Tau TetrasFrom what we can tell, this is everything moving to Legends, based on comparing the previous Legends list to the new one:

  • Remote Sensor Tower
  • Drone Sentry Turret
  • Commander in Crisis Battlesuit (changed around in the new book)*
  • Aun’va*
  • Aun’shi*
  • Longstrike*
  • Crisis Battlesuits (now split into three individual datasheets)*
  • R’varna Battlesuit
  • Y’Vahra Battlesuit
  • Tetras
  • Remora Stealth Drones
  • Barracuda
  • Tactical Drones*
  • Old Drones*

* denotes not a Forge World Kit

There are some pretty popular units in this list, and now it looks like only the AX-1-0 Tiger Shark, Manta, Ta’unar Supremacy Armor, and Tiger Shark are left as the current matched play legal Forge World Tau units for Warhammer 40k.

Tau Legends Unit Points

Tau Points

The Forge World points are unchanged from March 2024, so if you’ve been building lists with them, you can download the changes still. However, some units are currently missing, as GW hasn’t updated the Legends points list with the units that have been moved there (as of this writing).

Chances are they will appear there soon, so be sure to check back in the downloads section.

New Tau Legends Rules

40k Tau Legends


40k Tau Legends 2


40k Tau Legends 3


40k Tau Legends 4


40k Tau Legends 5


40k Tau Legends 6


40k Tau Legends 7


40k Tau Legends 8


40k Tau Legends 9


40k Tau Legends 10


40k Tau Legends 11


40k Tau Legends 12

There are a ton of rules here, so we won’t go through all of them. However, if you love any of these units, at least you’ll have rules for all of the 10th Edition.

While they won’t be allowed in “official” tournaments, most local games, home games, and even small tournaments should let you use them, as this is probably the last ruleset they will get for the entire edition.

The recent updates and changes to the 40k Tau Legends document by GW might have disappointed some 40k players. However, while some units have moved to Legends and received new rules, they can still be used in most games except for “official” Games Workshop ones.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the units moving to Legends, the new rules, and the updated points?

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