Tau in April? Eldar, and Fantasy Rumors

By Rob Baer | March 6th, 2013 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Well now the April rumor mongers are saying Tau, but I suppose its anybody’s guess at this point.

However the disappearance of the Tau models from the Warhammer World display cases for photography (i.e a bat rep in White Dwarf that would be 3 months out) may be a big give-away they are coming, as I can’t remember the last time I saw them in any publication.

So for now I’m hesitant to buy into an April release for Tau, as traditionally GW prefers to drop xenos releases late in the year or in January (Orks 2009).

That’s all my ramblings for now, checkout my 2012 predictions if you got a hot minute and see how they stacked up to the actual releases.

I’m still working on some reviews for the rest of the Dream-Forge Games releases, the Death from the Skies book, and some great KR multicase foam sets that I really think you guys will appreciate. -MBG

From Faeit’s Tau Tarot.

Even though we have rumors that Tau are next, and Eldar after that, we have more hints that something is under way. At Warhammer World the displays are once again missing portions of the armies on display there. We had this once before that I can recall off the top of my head, when Chaos Marines were missing, so perhaps there is something to this.

Please remember that these are rumors, so a little salt is always required.

via Mauler from the Faeit 212 inbox
This may be nothing, or it may be something but when I was at WHW yesterday I took over 50 pictures of their miniatures showcase on the top floor and I noticed something.  See the pics attached.  Sorry if the quality is iffy, I took them on my phone.

Large chunks of the Tau display and Eldar especially were missing, which I’m sure was not the case last time I was there about 10 months ago.  The High Elf display and also Vampire Counts had a lot of models missing too but as a 40k player I didn’t think to get a picture of that. 

I’m guessing that the missing models from the showcase are either in a battle report (High Elves, Vampire Counts) and/or have been whisked away to the depths of the design studio to somehow be involved in upcoming releases (Tau, Eldar, High Elves).

Will We See a Tau Codex in April

I want to be upfront right away, we do not yet know when this codex is coming, only that it is supposedly next in line. However there are some strong hints that it is coming and very soon. Lets take a look at these hints, and you can make of them what you will.

Missing Models
Models gone from display cases at Warhammer World. While not an obvious “codex is ready” type of thing, having quite a few models missing from the display cases means that they are probably having pictures taken for a battle report, or White Dwarf article, or even for the codex itself.

Here is the relevant article that discussed this.

Black Library Novel Release
This book has not been mentioned yet, and seems to have a release date in March. At this point it seems obvious that the date will be towards the end of March. This could very well lead into a full on Tau 40k release as well.

If you are looking for the full article discussing this, it was just posted last night at midnight.

Rumored bit from our Comment Section on Faeit 212 yesterday
A big thanks to Shaso_iceborn for visiting us yesterday and joining in on the comment section. He left a nice little tidbit about the timing of Tau for the readers here, and this is it.

shaso_icebornMarch 5, 2013 at 11:03 AM
For Tau lovers, I wouldn’t worry about a backache in April as your wallet might just become a lot lighter.

Here is a link to the post that the comments were left on, if you are interested in reading more of what was going on.