Tau’s Here, But Is GW’s Gaming Machine Back on Track?

By Bonne Chance | October 1st, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k Rumors

problem astartes BIG

The Tau finally arrived this week, but there may be a fair amount of people that just don’t seem to care about Games Workshop’s products right now. And why should they?

Seriously, let’s be honest, to some people the company just took a Volkswagen like dump on the chests of every Fantasy player out there. Then, almost as if they weren’t content enough with that masterpiece, they drowned the rest of their market (you know the 40k players ) in months of AoS releases that they didn’t really seem to care about.

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Pic Via Spud Tate YouTube

Sure a lot of gamers gave it the college try, but after about the first week of August no one really cared anymore. Well at least from my game store.

But don’t take my word for it. Checkout this thread over on Warseer that pretty much echos my sentiments. Looks like there is crickets in most game stores when someone asks about Age of Sigmar.


So fast forward to now, Tau’s here but does anyone care?  Being the connoisseur of the Internets (basically I read Spikey Bits/BoLS and various forums every morning), I personally haven’t seen the same level of enthusiasm for a new 40k release that has heralded previous ones.

What gives? Why do I not know immediately know every unit of Taus to field in the most competitive way, like right now?

I suppose either people are playing other stuff, like Kings of War of X-Wing, or perhaps we’re all just starting to warm up for the Ice Age of Sigmar?

Is there more underlying issues afoot? Do we have trust issues about our beloved 40k and upcoming Horus Heresy, and are keeping a wary eye on Nottingham so they don’t mess up those games too?

Whatever it is, Games Workshop may have there hands full dealing this if the Tau release isn’t accompanied with the normal level of pomp and circumstance that a new 40k release should have.

What do you think? Are you going to jump back into the 40k pool both feet first, or are you going to dip your toes back in gingerly? Or are you out of the Games Workshop pool altogether?