The Akwafell Auxilla Kickstarter is Live!

akwafell Auxillia featureIf you want some amazing Guard alternatives then the Akwafell Auxilla Kickstarter might be perfect for you- check it out!

This is a project for 3D STL files, so that means you need a printer to take advantage of it, but you should just get one! The project has a ton of amazing files with everything from Ogres to tanks to infantry. If you can’t tell by the name, the project is all based around a regiment from the deep and reminiscent of a certain video game.

The project only has a few days left and has already hit a bunch of stretch goals. So, don’t sit around and miss out if you want anything on the project. Let’s take a closer look!

The Akwafell Auxilla Kickstarter is Live!

akwafell AuxilliaYou can see just how much stuff you get in this project! It’s basically insane and hey, who doesn’t want a super awesome custom regiment.

akwafell Auxillia 3Here’s what they have to say about the project:

My goal for this project is to provide you with a full army that has plenty of options and poses that can be used in any size wargame you like! The minis will all be delivered as high-quality STLs that will look amazing on the tabletop! These minis will be MULTIPOSE as well! Nearly all infantry parts will be interchangeable leaving you with an incredible number of options for customization! Vehicles will also come with multiple weapon options to allow for plenty of customizability!

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All arms, legs, and heads are completely interchangeable in this set and will allow you to assemble a highly unique, formidable force! Models all come both pre-supported and unsupported.

All files will be delivered through My Mini Factory at the conclusion of the Kickstarter!

The Starter Set

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akwafell Auxillia 7This isn’t even everything you get in the project. If you need a ton of files, this is the way to go. Plus, you get all of this for only $50, so not bad at all.

That does it for this one! Now go back an awesome project.

Click Here to Get the Files!