How To Use Army Painter Air Paints: Tutorial & Review

the army painter air lineDon’t miss how to use the Army Painter Mega Air Warpaints Set and starter set as we show you the line in our airbrush paint tutorial and review!

The Army Painter is known for having some of the best and most affordable paints on the market, and their warpaints air line takes the airbrush paint game to the next level.

Rob is going to see how they work, everything you get, and even the color match aspect that way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go! 

How To Use Army Painter Air Paints: Tutorial & Review

Warpaints Air Starter Set: $39.99

Warpaints Air


Warpaints Air 2They are going to have two sets to start, with this one getting you a decent amount of paints for a really good price. Let’s hear about everything you get in this set:

The Warpaints Air Starter Set is a fantastic way to start your collection of Airbrush colours. With a chosen starter palette of some of the most useable and crisp colour tones for airbrushing, the set allows you to get started from the moment it is unboxed.

The paints are of unparalleled quality due to the nature of the high coverage offered by the specially chosen and ultra-filtered vibrant pigments. This, combined with a very stable and matchless resin solution, is paint science at its best!

12 x 18 ml Warpaints Air
1 x 100 ml Warpaints Air Primer

Warpaints Air Mega Set: $180

Warpaints Air 3


Warpaints Air 4If you just want everything in one buy and start off your collection the right way, this is the way to go! There’s a lot in this box, so we’ll let them tell you about it:

All Warpaints Air are pre-mixed and airbrush-ready right out of the bottle and made from ultra-filtered vibrant pigment. The Warpaints Air range has been developed in a unique and innovative Triad System – each matching Warpaints Acrylics colour has a corresponding Base and Highlight colour. This makes highlighting and zenithal shading a breeze and army painting even faster and more cohesive.

50 x 18 ml Air
9 x 18 ml Air Metallics
1 x 18 ml Warpaints Air Fluo

The starter set is a great value as well with 12 paints and a giant matt grey bottle for base coating as well. The boxes are all recyclable, so when you get your paints out, you can just drop the box in the recyclables. The paints also come with not one but two mixer balls in there, so even if they’ve sat a little while, they will mix up so easily.

the army painter air line 3They even give you some ideas of what other colors in their line they match with (100% even) and where in the triad of three they sit (this one being a mid-tone based on the MID label here). With these being color-matched to their other colors, it makes cleaning up any overages so much easier.

Mega Paint Set:

the army painter air line 4The Mega Set has so much in there, it basically can take you from never having airbrushed to a full collection in one buy. It’s shockingly easy to mix these up, so even if you don’t have a Vortex Mixer, you can get them ready to go in no time.

the army painter air line 5Rob has even made a few custom colors for his Custodes, and with how the paint is packaged, they are so easy to mix and make whatever colors you want. The metals they have are some of the finest and easiest Rob has used through an airbrush.

the army painter air line 6The line also has some really cool fluorescents like this green here. Overall, the set is a great value and they just have so much in the box!

Using the Paint:

the army painter air line 7When using these, you don’t even really need to use much Flow Improver, but Rob does throw a drop in there just to be safe. They still paint just fine with no flow assist, but his airbrush is a little gunky so he adds just a drop of flow.

Editors Note: I should really clean my airbrush lol.

Then he fills the reservoir up until the little nub on the top. Next, he mixes it up with the back end of a used brush, and you’re ready to go!

the army painter air line 8He’s going to be using the custom gold mix from before to paint up some of his minis. You can see how much this makes the mini pop and it goes on so easily and smoothly. Their metal airbrush paints are just so smooth and finly ground that they can even be used to finish off a mini like this and make the gold pop.

It doesn’t flake or speckle like a lot of other airbrush paints out there. Zero overspray got on the colored areas from errant flake.

If you need to open it up more, you obviously can, but it gives you a ton of control over what you paint. Overall, just super easy to apply and doesn’t splatter or get on your other colors.

the army painter air line 9It can even be used on areas as tiny as this shoulder pad and not mess up the red or the blue gem.

Army Painter Color Matching is Magic

the army painter air line 10The color match on this is nearly perfect. You can see the primer spray (wide pattern across top), the Warpaint (splotch), and the airbrush spray (arrow indicator) are basically all the exact same. This makes priming and touching up so much easier and efficient.

the army painter air line 11Even something like the black, the coverage is a little better from the Warpaint, but overall it looks nearly identical. He does a test with a ton of colors and they all come out looking great.

Are the Army Painter Warpaints Air Worth It?

the army painter air line 4Overall, there is good value in both boxes. The colors match is nearly perfect, they mix up easily, and the quality is just spectacular. Straight out of the bottle, these are some of the best paints out there for your airbrush.

Perhaps best of all they will be super easy to find as well!

Click Here To Grab Your Airbrush Paints!

Are you excited about the Army Painter Mega Air Warpaints and starter paint set for the airbrush? Will you be picking any up?

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