The Army Painter’s New Website is Super Smooth!

army painter website rIf you haven’t been to the Army Painter’s new website, you’re in for a surprise as it’s so much smoother and easier to use than the old one!

The Army Painter is always coming out with some of the coolest hobby products on the market! One of the best things about their paint sets is they always come with great guides, that way if you need help on your scheme, they make it easy. All of their products are always affordable and high-quality. 

Today though, we’re taking a look at the new site, because it really improves the experience of buying stuff from them or just learning more about them. Let’s check it out!

The Army Painter’s New Website is Super Smooth!

the army painter new website


the army painter new website 3The site is laid out so simply and they have all their newest stuff right at the top of the page. So if you just want to go back every once in a while to check on the new stuff, it’s super easy.

the army painter new website 2Then, they have everything broken down into easy categories and there is basically something for everyone. If you love what the Army Painter is up to, check out everything they have been up to lately.

the army painter new website 4You can not only look for some of the most affordable paints out there, but you can also just go through and search through the sales and what is new! If you need any paints, they are the place to look. Obviously, once you’re there, you want to look for paints! Check out their new Speedpaints that just hit pre-order.

SPEEDPAINT STARTER SET: $45 (February 19th 2022)

Army Painter SpeedpaintThe paint goes on really fast, as you would expect from the name. It also looks to avoid some of the common pitfalls of normal contrast paints. Plus, they are more than 2 dollars cheaper for a bottle than another certain company. 

Army Painter Speedpaint 2This set gives you enough to get started and paint your minis faster than ever before! Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

The all-in-one Warpaint Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. In the Speedpaint Starter Set you’ll find all the basic colours you need to begin painting beautiful tabletop-quality miniatures in no time. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! 

SPEEDPAINT MEGA SET: $99 (March 26th)

Army Painter Speedpaint 4If you just want everything in one buy, this is the way to go! You get an insane number of paints for a really great price.


Army Painter Speedpaint 3

  • Combined with an innovative resin medium solution that flows perfectly over your miniatures creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
  • The Speedpaint Mega Set contains our entire range of Speedpaints giving you 24 colours to work your magic with, and get amazing results faster than ever.

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome paints or pre-order the new Speedpaint!

Click here to Get Your Army Painter Paints!