GW Reveals 2 New Battletomes: Empire & Orcs Return!

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal hor

The wait is over. GW just announced two new AoS battletomes, one for the Empires Free people and a keyword-heavy Orruk codex.  Check these guys out.

If you have been ooking for one book for Orruks or to play Empire in a meaningful way, then Warhammer Community has you covered!

Two New Battletomes Announced!

Earlier this year, we told you that EVERY Grand Alliance would be getting at least one new battletome – and we’re incredibly excited to announce the next two. Both of these books reinvent much-loved factions, bringing them into the second edition of the game in style.

orruk battletome

Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, together at last! Orruk Warclans isn’t so much one battletome as three, containing allegiance abilities and sub-factions for the Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, as well as a third set of allegiance abilities for the Great Waaagh! – a combination of both forces. This offers these popular factions much more strategic diversity, with the ultra-durable Ironjawz complemented perfectly by the fast-moving and frenzied Bonesplitterz.

With more magical lores, more artefacts and more ways to unleash mayhem, this battletome gives Destruction a devastating edge. 
Not entirely unexpected int he schemes of things, destruction has seemed to lag behind in power level since the release of the first Generals Handbook in 2016.  If I was a betting man I would put down a fat stack on a combined Ogors book in the near future as well.

Cities of Sigmar

Since the beginning of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we’ve heard stories of the free cities and the brave alliances of humans, duardin and aelves who guard them… The Living City, Tempest’s Eye, the Greywater Fastness, Hallowheart, Anvilgard and The Phoenicium are now beloved parts of the setting, and at long last, they have a battletome of their own!

Completely out of left field and very much appreciated by hobbyists who have been hoping for this day for 4 years, the Empire is returning.

Cities of Sigmar takes sub-factions as diverse as the Scourge Privateers and the Ironweld Arsenal and forges them into a single force. No fewer than seven sets of allegiance abilities allow you to field mixed forces of duardin, humans and aelves, with a massive roster of units available.

Yep, that’s right they said Dwarves and Elves folks! Looks like the Aleven Wanderers and possibly the Duardin Dispossessed will get rules inside yet another multi-keyword/faction tome!

The arrival of Cities of Sigmar does mean a handful of Order units will be leaving the range and becoming Warhammer Legends later this year. We’ll be providing a full list of which ones closer to the time. The number of units available in the book is still vast, with loads of warscrolls.

What’s more, each City of Sigmar can enlist units from Battletome: Stormcast Eternals into their main force, while Tempest’s Eye and The Living City can draw on aid from the Kharadron Overlords and Sylvaneth, respectively, as full members of your army that share your allegiance abilities.

No word on new models yet, but the rules may be more than enough to make up for this if you ask these players!

Don’t forget, there may be more books on the way too…

lizardmen seraphon race hor wal

Seraphon also look to be getting a 2.0 reboot for Age of Sigmar as well according to rumors from June that seems to be supported by some of the rumor engines as of late.

Rumors From an Industry Insider: 

Lizards are coming back late summer for a bigger release than Sylvaneth.

The only “lizard” faction we know about is Seraphon and while the Sylvaneth are still being held up, they’ve definitely gotten a lot of support. That makes us wonder exactly what kind of help the Seraphon could be getting this summer. Most overhauled factions at the very least get their own set of Endless Spells, however, Seraphon have a lot of older models too. Maybe we could see some minis transferred over to plastic or even get reworked.

What do you think about these new battletomes? Which battletome are you going to play first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!