In light of recent events that I am sure many of you are aware of, we have been fielding a ton of questions about the future of Spikey Bits, and our position on the matter in question.
Well our official position is that, we have no official position. Nothing has been presented to us by any of our distributors as to any policies they will be enforcing on us now, or in the future.
That being said it would be very ignorant of us to just keep skipping along merrily and not preparing for any eventualities that may arise in the not so distant future. So rest assured that we are taking all measures possible to prepare for any changes that will be enacted upon us by threat of force, because let’s be honest that’s really what it is when you boil it down.
I invented the bits industry eight years ago, and in that time many businesses have come and gone. Currently Spikey Bits is the Mail Order side to FTW Games, a very successful gaming store in Richmond Virginia.
So you can rest assured that whatever changes may be on the way, that we are vested in both our local and online communities deeply, and will continue to endevour to provide all the same service and products to everyone as best we can.
My name is Robert Baer. I am a survivor living in Richmond, Virginia. I will be broadcasting on all media frequencies. I will be at FTW Games everyday. We open at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there… if you want to game… I can provide tables, I can provide products, I can provide supplies. If there’s anybody out there… anybody… please. You are not alone.