Exploring the Resurgence of the Cosmic Dread: Necrons Lore

40k-LORE--Necrons-wal-hor-titleThe Necrons are ancient beings whose lore spans millions of years, only having reemerged recently in their attempt to rule the galaxy.

In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, the Necrons stand as an ancient and enigmatic faction within the sprawling universe of Warhammer 40k. These metallic horrors emerge from the depths of the cosmos, seeking to reclaim their dominion over the galaxy. With their unparalleled technology and an undying thirst for conquest, the Necrons pose a terrifying threat to all other races in this dystopian future.

The Necrons: Exploring the Resurgence of the Cosmic Dread

necrons hor walThe origins of the Necrons date back millions of years before the present timeline of Warhammer 40,000. They were once an advanced humanoid civilization known as the Necrontyr, who hailed from the desert world of Necrontyr. However, the Necrontyr were afflicted with an incurable radiation sickness due to the inhospitable conditions of their planet. Faced with a bleak future, the Necrontyr sought immortality, and their desperate prayers were eventually answered.

C’tan, the Star Gods, a group of ancient cosmic beings of immense power, offered the Necrontyr a solution. The C’tan transferred the essence of the Necrontyr into living metal bodies, transforming them into undying Necrons. In return, the Necrons pledged their allegiance to the C’tan, becoming their instruments of destruction.

What Makes the Necrons Unique Among the Factions in Warhammer 40k?

silent king big necronsThe Necrons stand out due to their status as an ancient race of mechanical beings, their ability to reawaken from hibernation after millions of years, and their unparalleled technology and weaponry. They possess advanced energy weapons, terrifying constructs, and the ability to reassemble fallen warriors, making them an enduring threat on the battlefield.

Are the Necrons Purely Mechanical Beings?

necronsWhile the Necrons appear to be mechanical, they were once a humanoid race known as the Necrontyr, who willingly transferred their consciousness into living metal bodies, resulting in the creation of the Necrons. This process allowed them to achieve immortality and escape the ravages of their radiation-sickened bodies.

What are the Necron Tomb Worlds?

Tomb Worlds are massive subterranean complexes where the Necrons reside during their hibernation periods, known as the Great Sleep. They are filled with the remains of the ancient Necrontyr civilization and house the dormant armies of the Necrons. Tomb Worlds serve as the focal points for the awakening and subsequent expansion of Necron forces.

Are There Any Unique Necron Sub-Factions?

necrons and tyranids

Yes, the Necrons feature various dynasties, each ruled by a powerful Phaeron or Overlord. Some notable dynasties include the Sautekh Dynasty, led by Imotekh, the Stormlord; the Mephrit Dynasty, known for their mastery of solar energy weapons; and the Nihilakh Dynasty, which focused on perfecting the art of war.

Notable Characters

  • Imotekh the Stormlord: Imotekh is the Phaeron of the Sautekh Dynasty and a formidable strategist. He is known for his tactical genius and leads his armies with ruthless efficiency.
  • Szarekh the Silent King: Szarekh was once the ruler of all Necrons, the supreme leader of their ancient empire. However, he fell into disfavor with the C’tan and vanished for millennia. He has recently returned, seeking to reunite his fractured race and reshape the galaxy.
  • Orikan the Diviner: Orikan is an enigmatic and powerful Chronomancer, wielding the power to manipulate time. He is often seen alongside Phaeron Imotekh, advising him on matters of strategy and prophecy.
  • Trazyn the Infinite: Trazyn the Infinite is a notorious Necron Lord obsessed with collecting rare and unique artifacts. His hoard of treasures spans countless worlds and includes items from various races and civilizations.

What Role Do the C’tan Play in the Necron Faction?

c'tan void dragon

The C’tan are ancient cosmic beings of immense power that struck a deal with the Necrontyr, transforming them into the Necrons. In exchange, the Necrons pledged their loyalty and servitude to the C’tan. However, over time, the Necrons grew to resent the C’tan for their manipulations and sought ways to regain their independence.

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