The New Lobotomy 2: Manhunt is Coming Soon!

By Travis Pasch | February 1st, 2022 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Lobotomy ManhuntGet ready for more insanity as the Lobotomy 2: Manhunt is kicking off with a bang and a bunch of new minis and tactics!

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s just as wild as you would expect! You are a patient trying to escape the asylum, and oh yeah… there are monsters after you! In the second iteration of the game, you’ll be able to relive the horror but with all new characters and have all the fun once again!

They said they will be doing a blast from the past with some of the old and favorite characters making a return. The launch of the project is coming very soon, so if you want in on the project, be sure to go follow so you’ll be first to know. Let’s check out the preview!

The New Lobotomy 2: Manhunt is Coming Soon!

Lobotomy Manhunt 2

Characters will fight off monsters straight out from the classic horror movies (or maybe just concerned hospital staff?), collect powerful items (or rather random trash?) and recover scraps of memory that unlock new skills and powers (also known as slipping deeper into madness). 

Lobotomy Manhunt 6

  • dedicated for 1-6 players but more can play
  • cooperative horror adventure with role-playing elements
  • character development
  • unique dungeon crawling, roguelike mechanics and solo-play option 
  • replayabiity with a modular gameboard, random scenarios and different narrative every playthrough 
  • ability to win the game by losing your mind in the process
  • over 40 highly detailed miniatures and monsters inspired by classic horror themes 


Lobotomy Manhunt 5Obviously, you’ll need plenty of gear to get through this insane madness!


Lobotomy Manhunt 3If these were the bad guys chasing you, you know you would move faster than you ever have before! Will you make it out? Or will you get stuck in the asylum?

Lobotomy Manhunt 4Either way, this game looks to improve on the first one and is just super fun.  That does if for this one, now go sign up so you know when this goes live!

Support the Project Here!