The REAL Fate of The MK1 Deimos Rhino?

By Rob Baer | January 13th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see what may be the true fate of the “Sold Out” Forge World MK1 Deimos Pattern Rhino, when we’ll see it again for sale, and by whom!

We reported recently that the MK1 Deimos Rhino was currently “no longer available” for sale on Forge World’s site. Of course we stated our case for why it MAY be coming back as a plastic kit, however no one until now may have know for sure.


Battle Bunnies is reporting that this is just a case of the kit getting a new product code, and it will be back for sale soon.

The reason that the Rhino is unavailable is because they are changing the product code. This is because all their tanks are being moved over to boxes instead of bags. This will affect the last 4 digits of the product code. It should be available in a few days.
Furthermore (and this is just my opinion folks) Forge World is aware of what Games Workshop is releasing months in advance, I believe they would of held off releasing the new command tank if the plastic was coming so soon.
So, although I think it’s more of a ‘when’ situation than an ‘if’, I think that a plastic Deimos is still a way off.
 One little phone call to Forge World and the Battle Bunnies may have cleared it all up for us. Good on them for helping out the community like they do.  And good on Forge World for fixing their packaging to help get orders around the globe in one piece!
What would YOU like to see get the plastic treatment from GW?

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